Homemade Co2 question


Well-Known Member
no, it'll just blow it away, try to set it up so the fan is NOT on it, try tucking it between your plants. c02 is a gas lighter than oxygen so it'll just dissipate given any sort of breeze. if you turn your fan off at nite, (some do, I don't) you can set it up then. otherwise, like i said, try to hide it somewhere.


New Member
I would say yes, but if your exaust is on then it would not serve much purpose as yes it will dissipate into the air but it just does not disapear all together, unless you are venting your room of course then it just goes out with the exaust.

I would use tubing and hang tube ends over your plants as the c02 will settle down on the plants fairly concentrated, well as concentrated as a home c02 can get it anyway.


New Member
People do that as well. I use the yeast method and here are some tips.
Fill the jugs only half full. Trust me on this one.
Shake at least once a day. to keep the mix mixxed.
Yeast thrives in warmth 110 to 115 degrees and will produce max C02 at these temps. Any higher you risk killing your yeast.
Every three days replace half of the yeast mix with warm water. Add a bit of sugar everytime you do this. Doing this allows you to keep the same yeast alive virtualy for ever. No need to keep buying yeast.
Do not drink the Alcohol it could blind you, unless you know how to distill.
Having tubes keeps the bugs and smell to a min, and is a good idea to keep the jugs out of the grow room, by running tubes. After some time they can develope a mold and or fungus on top of the mix once this happens it is time to start fresh. The mold will grow and spore in your room if you don't as mold and fungus are no fun in a grow room.

Hope this helps...

past times

Well-Known Member
ballin pretty much got it right. i have 6 bottles going, 1 per plant. i have them above my light with fish tube hanging down just over the plants. as far as sugar i do about 2 cups per bottle each week.


New Member
Depends on how big your bottles are. I use a 1/2 gallon juice jugs and I add a half cup of sugar a week to each one (after you change 1/2 of the water) Found myself throwing new sugar down the drain as I added the sugar then dumped half the water...lol.. Lesson learned.


Well-Known Member
somewhere on thissite is a post that states tjhat c02 is lighter than air, butI just googled the question about its density and here is a direct copy of definition:

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
C02 is a gas that is produced by all living things, including manure bacteria. In manure pits, the C02 produced by the bacteria may displace the oxygen. C02 is also heavier than air. It is usually found at the surface of the manure.

So, I am wrong on this one, but still if your fan is blowing it around it may still not get all the way to your plants.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it wouldnt make mush sense the other away around, why would 2 oxygens atom be heavier than 2 ogygen atoms and 1 carbon atom. Pretty simple if you think about it.


Well-Known Member
I suck at science, so it's a puzzle to me, so don't assume we all know the periodic table of gaseous weights. I didn't know if carbon is lighter or heavier than air. I keep my c02 bottle tops even with my planter tops solving that dilemna I have 3 bottles for 5 plants (I started with 20, lost 15 to males) that I keep tucked in between my plants. for max dosage.


Active Member
And what if I had a 20 oz Co2 tank that I used for paintball and put a valve on the top to regulate how much it releases. Would that work? The only reason why I ask is because the Co2 in the tank is real cold when it is released. Would the cold hurt the plants?