How are these Budz look?


Well-Known Member
as ii would say=they look good but collie should be bigger at 22 day....its a sativa by the looks but u gotta lotta side branch so got some indica as ii would say could be wrong thoo looks like a health plant tho


Active Member
how the fuck did you force it to flower outside? and are your bottom leaves dieing from not getting light, thats what my outside plants have done it is to bushy and the bottom leaves dont get enough light?


Well-Known Member
lie flat two wooden stakes on the outer edge of the planter pot, then take one clean plastic garbage can and place it upside down over your plant on top of the stakes. u can use a blanket to do the job too, then let that bitch sleep uninteruped as long as u like. i pruned alot of fan leaves that were full sized and yellow. i had been tucking them under bud sites they were blocking. I read a some detailed imformation on pruning marijuana and decided to cut a good hand full of leaves off.


Well-Known Member

Increase Lower Bud Development
The fan leaves shade lower buds and that these buds do not develop to there full potential because of a reduction in lighting intensity due to shading from upper fan leaves.

To conserve energy for upper bud development
Trimming fan leaves and lower, shaded branches focuses the plant’s development on main top buds (Che Bleu, 03.13.2002). A plant wastes precious energy several ways. A tall plant needs to use energy to build extra stem, and then use extra energy to move water up higher, this is why I believe "scrog" methods are productive. An untrimmed bushy plant causes the plant to expend energy to build elaborate branches and leaves, and then has to use excess energy to supply all these structures. Careful trimming to remove unnecessary branches (which wont produce nice buds) and unproductive suckers will leave more energy for a larger yield. Suckers do exactly as their name suggests, they suck needless energy from the plant which can be put to better use, towards yield (Leaf, 03.13.2002).
