how deep for transplant have pic


Well-Known Member
if you barried them up to like....3" below the lowest growth, the part that was barried will turn into a root, and thats major rootage man. a plant will only grow to fill in the room it has for roots to absorb nutes, so that much root......could be a rather large plant... and that could be the reason they have such a small amount of growth......thats what i did on my first indoor...3 plants in one pot....i had to cut them because they weren't worth smoking.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, I think they could use some more light. Also, you might want to have a rooting hormone (or, I believe aspirin or willow bark are good) on hand, because I can almost guarantee their roots have grown together and you'll be forced to do some damage in separating. In my experience with dividing and transplanting other plants, sometimes it's just better to make a clean cut than try to separate the roots and end up tearing them apart.


Well-Known Member
I mean that you may well end up destroying a bunch of the root ball by separating those plants at this stage. What's gonna happen when you destroy that? They may need a boost. Rooting hormone, or aspirin/willow bark (aspirin is derived from willow) are two means by which to stimulate root growth. Superthrive might work, I haven't seen great results with it and have stopped using it as I prefer organic, which is what aspirin/willow bark are. Try searching on those terms, there's a thread floating around here somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, should do you good. Just remember, if you're unsure about dosing, go a lot lighter. Less is more. :)


Well-Known Member
*showerd and missed it all*

yea, i was thinking about the root mass and.....if those are clones just makesure they get light/water/nutes.....but if im correct those arent clones....clones will only root untill the space is taken up, giving room for the other plants (if there from the same mother). seeds on the other hand will fight for nutes and dirt, and the weaker plants will end up smaller and lanky (heard this from some scientist doing some interview on CBC, im trying to find the study).

if that is the case it might just be easier to get some rooting hormone, cut/replant into their own little pot.


Well-Known Member
well, its more that if you put 2 clones in a bucket, they will take 1/2 the bucket each for rooting. if you put 2 seeds in a bucket the strongest seed will get, say 75% of the room and the weak one will get 25%.


Active Member
yea thanx that what figured had to get mircale grow one said half cap full for one gallon of water so did less figured would b fine thanx again

South Texas

Well-Known Member
No, No, & No. Aspirin is not organic, Sea. Seed Germination takes 24 hours to 4 or 5 days, depending upon 20 different variables. Clones take 7 to 12 days at minimum. In a time comparison, seeds will always do better, thus the proclamation that seeds will outdo the weaker clone rooting system. "This will not do"- Pink Floyd".
The very basics of living is the same for both humans & plant life. #1.) Will always be the will to survive. Humans will bend, fold & adjust for the sole purpose of surviving, just as plants will. Broken bones heals stronger than it's origin. Exercising, bending your plants causes tissue damage, making them fortify a weak spot.. to assure life/survival.
If the female plant gets to a certain no-win sit, she will abort designs to be normal, and try to multiply in a bad situation. Thus, the heat stressed Hemies. Point is, given the half-assed chance, any living plant will try it's best to survive & multiply. With the same size rooting system, the clones will do what it's designed to do, as well as the seed oriented rooting system will do. That is, To Survive. The rate depends upon what is available to grow strong & healthy.
Point, Clones is not a step-child. Not Sub-Plant life. They too will thrive to survive, & make Babies.


Well-Known Member
yes, be we arent talking about the will to survive, everyone and everything has that from bacteria to humans and beyond, were talking about 2 seeds in one pot, and 2 clones in a different pot, and what they will do to the other to survive. 2 sisters wont fight, they will only take what they need to survive (clones from one mother), but 2 random dudes who need all they can get to survive will (seeds).


Well-Known Member
*correction, edward stone was sitting with native Americans when they told him the the bark from a ~~Red~~ willow will relieve internal pain. we normaly make it into a tea tho, its much to bitter just to chew on.