I just started cloning and the first time I did it 'perfectly' (sterilization, cutting on an angle, etc) with excellent results and the second time I lazed out and didn't use clean technique and I had a far lower success rate. What I am trying to say is that taking the time to do it right really helps.
When I clean my razor with alcohol, cut on a 45 degree angle, scrape away the green layer on the lower half inch of the cutting and make a small split up the middle and dip it in the clone gel then plant in a jiffy cube with a humidity tent and put up off the ground in the periphery of my 1000W light I have almost 100 percent rooting within 2 weeks or so.
So far I have two clones that are still alive 2 months after cutting but no roots! I am keeping them just to see what happens. Yesterday I re-cut the stem of one of the runt clones and re-dipped it and replanted it.
So to answer your question if you have the room, wait until they root or whither!
The only thing that I keep in the back of my mind is that if I do get busted, they count the number of plants and so I ask myself, do I want to risk more punishment for a plant that got off to a shitty start or who has bad genes for cloning?