How Long does ak-48 Take to Flower


:mrgreen::leaf::leaf::leaf:whats cracka lackin people friend of mine lol is growin some ak-48 in a nft grow tank and there doing really well loads of thc and stinkin their on their 43rd day after switchin to 12/12 but the top bud which is the biggest looks like its got some catching up to do is that normal? cos that ones the tallest it got really close to the light so i snipped the top off i think they got about a week left as this is the 6th week but i was wondering if they'll fill out abit cos the pictures that come with the seeds look exactly the same just a bit skinnier and my mate said when the white hairs go brown their ready but then some have gone brown but the majority are still white is that true? any advice will be much apprieciated people as experience is priceless in this game thanks best wishes to all :blsmoke::joint:kiss-ass:cry::hump::peace::weed::wall::bigjoint::fire::spew::eyesmoke:bongsmilie:lol:

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
You could go by the pistils (hairs)

But the better way would be to get a microscope and look at the trichomes (crystals).
When they start turning amber, you're probably good to go.


thanks for getting back to me theres still quite a few yellow hairs showing the top bud of the biggest plant doesn't seem as developed as the buds lower down is that where its to close to the light? some of the hairs have started turning brownie/orange'ish i'm worring because when i changed to the bulb and nutrients i didnt realise i had to change the lighting times to 12/12 till about a week later and thats whats making me think i've fucked it up they smell lovely and it looks white when the light catch's it so its producing thc and theres loads of what look like buds but it seems to good to be true i done it once before but cant remember any of the process all i remember is it turned out as good as what you'd get in a cafe in holland and i didnt even think it would work let alone come out as good as it did and i hardly spent any money this time i've spent a small fortune i've bought booster and bloomer nutrients cannazyme,rhizotonic cos i'd rather quality than quantity are thc and trichomes the same thing? and do the hairs swell up or turn into the tiny little buds that make up the whole thing (if you can understand all that lol)


will do thanks i didnt know that and i've never heard it before but its makes good sense i've been smoking skunk all my life literally well never been without so i know what a good bit of green should look like so as long as i've not fucked it up i'll know when their ready wont i?


ak48 flowers pretty quick usually. grew it alongside a few other strains and it was steaming ahead usually