How low of a pH value can weed leaves handle?


Well-Known Member
I gotta do something for these aphids and nothing worked. Ya I know, aphids are east blah blah blah. But I wanna try and nuke them with some citric acid. I have 50% by volume. What is the lowest pH I can spray and not tatter the leaves/buds? 4.5? 5.0?
I’ve never done well killing them off in flower but cold weather will
I know I am a whiny ass bitch about this. I never have even seen an aphid before this year nor knew what they loooked like. But I got thousands of them…still…I literally just picked off at least 500-1000 of them over the past 3 hours. They come crawling out of their hiding spots after a spray and I can’t keep spraying in flower. I have washed the entire plants 15 times (at least) and then sprayed neem. Alternated sprays. Replaced the neem thinking maybe it was bad, bought 2 more sprays, hit everything green around the house and garden, ladybugs, even soaked the roots and my compost bin many times and nothing seems to work. They weren’t doing any visible damage for awhile but starting to see the pinholes now. I always stop sprays in flower but ~75 more days (?) not sure much will be left of the leaves lol.
Did you start with seed or cuttings/clones. The one time I had hemp aphids they came in on some plants I was given.
Ended up trashing a bunch. Have grown a bunch of crops from seed and never seen them. Had the same issue
with russet mites this year on cuttings. A very low population of pests can really blow up on you once you get started,
the source can have had a spray program that keeps them down but not eliminated. Depending on your grow set up you
may need to clean house and start fresh. Good luck
Did you start with seed or cuttings/clones. The one time I had hemp aphids they came in on some plants I was given.
Ended up trashing a bunch. Have grown a bunch of crops from seed and never seen them. Had the same issue
with russet mites this year on cuttings. A very low population of pests can really blow up on you once you get started,
the source can have had a spray program that keeps them down but not eliminated. Depending on your grow set up you
may need to clean house and start fresh. Good luck
They are clones. I guess I have been lucky to date. Had caterpillars pretty regular but not these little bastards. Persistent af
I am gonna try it. If I slow the velocity down thru the ice it might work. It will be a real Acute treatment (not Chronic) but I could see the air being pretty frigid at the point of attack of this and what I read they are weak skinned.


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I use purecrop1 and it has a very high ph, up to 10 I believe is what it read at... Im not sure about lower ph, but I hear a higher ph helps combat PM. Purecrop is very good and can be used up til harvest but it's not cheap at all.. I recently starting using Dr Doom's Premium 3-1 to help save some purecrop, so far that stuff has worked but I dont want to spray it when they go full flower.
High pressure hose,blast them off.
Okay so I have been doing this every day for 2-ish weeks. Every morning they look like this:6F0B9A7E-61DA-4AC1-A7A1-3715CD142377.jpeg
Then I blast the undersides and the tops. Then they are gone. Then the next morning they look the same. Maybe they aren’t a big deal and don’t seem to be causing a ton of damage but starting to see it. I am gonna try the ice thing and gathering parts so maybe that’ll dent em. Anyway sorry I’m so emo.
Okay so I have been doing this every day for 2-ish weeks. Every morning they look like this:View attachment 5187102
Then I blast the undersides and the tops. Then they are gone. Then the next morning they look the same. Maybe they aren’t a big deal and don’t seem to be causing a ton of damage but starting to see it. I am gonna try the ice thing and gathering parts so maybe that’ll dent em. Anyway sorry I’m so emo.
I only skimmed through this page. If they keep coming back like that it could be ants are bringing them back. Look for any ant activity on or around the plant.
As buddy pointed out before, it could be ants carrying them back.. Ive been dealing with the same problem.. I just keep blasting them with purecrop.. Luckily I dont see signs of them right now.. I keep doing preventive sprays tho.