How many of you get your animals high?


Well-Known Member
Just curious how many people give their pets shotguns and such. I don't now but I did get a mouse high once:joint:

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
My cat likes to come have a few tokes with me, I don't shotgun him though.

He'll come sit at my feet and I just blow the hits at him - after about 5 or 6 he will start purring and after a few more he will get up and go eat. It's kinda funny when people come over and are like "why is your cat hawking me?" - then they laugh when I tell them he just wants some secondhand smoke...


Well-Known Member
I got my rottie high once a while back (dont have em anymore). The male chewed a hole in his pad and the female barked ALL NIGHT LONG... never again... well maybe..


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
This question was raised in an earlier post and it created such an uproar. The animals lovers hated on us for smoking our dogs up. But when my dog comes to me looking for a toke, I give it to him. I do not force them at all. As soon as you say "wanna bong?" they both come over and sit in front of you and wait for it. Take your toke and blow it out at them, they love it, and lick it all up. It really chills them out. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
My dog likes to get high, He knows what I mean when I ask him "Wanna get high?" he'll spin around in circles, stand up and dance. I never force him, whenever he smells me smokin he percs up and starts beggin. I never shotgun him though, just give him a little cloud here and there. He's small and doesn't need much.

When I was a teen ager I got my sisters cat high for fun. After that one time whenever I toked up in my room I'd hear the door rattling. I'd look over at the door and sure enough theres a cat arm clawing under the door flailing madly. I'd let her in and when I sit back down she jumps on me and gets right in my face purring like mad with a look in her eyes that just said "kick down some buzz big boy!" She was a cool cat. Miss her alot.


Active Member
i shotgun my cat and dog wit bklunts and one time we where smokin a bkluint and couldnt finish it so it was like a roach and we put it in a meat bkall and fed it to my dog and it fell asleep in like 1 min for like an hour when i bklow smoke in their ears they run away lol bkut my dog comes bkacc when i bkreak the weed up


Well-Known Member
my neighbors had a huge kitty named schitzy who would lay down on your chest and take hits. you could even see his little nostrils moving when you blew the smoke in his face. hella cute. but i would have never believed them unless i saw it. and i guess he doesnt do it in front of other people so i was one of the only few that saw him smokin.
then i got a kitten high one time by blowing hits in a backpack that it was in. my mom caught me and she started crying cause she thought i was fucked up for doing that. that little kitten was hella baked.

i heard though that doing that isnt good for your animals so i wont do that to my animals.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
we got our friends dog high once and he almost drowned in the pool.

LMFAO, i shouldnt laugh but... hahaha!!!:mrgreen: i get my ex gfs cat high cuz hes a long time stoner, he will turn his head if hes interested in second hand smoke:blsmoke: