How much longer?? First Grow with pics.


yoyo 006.jpgyoyo 017.jpgyoyo 007.jpgyoyo 021.jpgyoyo 004.jpgyoyo 001.jpgyoyo 002.jpgAny advice on how much longer I have til chop time? I was thinking 5 days from now but I think that might be premature. Watta think? thanksyoyo 009.jpg


Well-Known Member
they look really good for your 1st grow but cant really tell from them pics best thing to do is get a magnifine glass and check the trichomes that way you will be able to tell when its done..also you might want to start a 2 week flush if you havent already done so...also btw what strain is that you are growing ?


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell from the pics but the leaves are still nice and green. When feeding bloom nutes, the lack of nitrogen causes the sun leaves to get used up and turn brown. They definitely look good and I wish I could sample that snowy fruit :hump: Can you give a bit more info as to the strain, growth time, nutes used etc...


I have a small magnifine glass to look at trichs but its only 10-15 x's so its hard to tell. I think they ae starting to turn milky but DEF no ambering. As far as strain, Im not sure. They are clones and from what i rememebr the strain was called "T" (maybe that was just an abbrv.) They have been in flowering (12/12) going on 7 weeks. The nutes are FloraGro(2-1-6), FloraMicro(5-0-1), and FloraBloom(0-5-4) (all used in conjunction with each other). I was told these were the top of line nutes to use. I recently added Cal-Mag(2-0-0) in small doses to help with the blooming stage (it was recommended, but not essential). As far as the flush goes, I was just going to turn off thier feed 2 days before chop. This is the method being used from where they came from. Is it necessary to flush, if so what do you recommend? thanks. also, ANY idea on timeline as far as how much longer they have to go based on pics i have?


Well-Known Member
im not an expert im also just learning but its good to FLUSH 2 weeks before chop! gatta flush your nutes out of your plant so you can smoke it bro! i am also on the verge of a harvest in about 7 days from now! ppl say look at the tricomes BUT iv also herd the tric are different threew out the plant so its good to have a calender and go by your genetics and research haw many day it takes for flower stage! by me looking at you plants i would ONLY GIVE WATER FOR 2 WEEKS THEN ENJOY!


Active Member
2 weeks left let flush for 7 days with fresh ph water i use the flora for feed to and have the best with one week flush good luck looks good.