How much plants to grow that can last me for whole year


I buy weed but from this year i'm growing my own.i have huge compound and i'm thinking of growing more plants next year and the weed i get here in my town is seeded and feels harsh on throat.How much should i grow that can last me till next harvest rolls in?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Noone can help you unless you can be specific. Work how many grams you smoke per day, and you can then work out how many grams you would need from the harvest which can then be translated into a rough number of plants.


Well-Known Member
How many grams is that ? Grams x 360 days divided 28 =# oz's divided 16 = pounds. how much do you smoke a year ?


Well-Known Member
That's only a pound for a year. That wouldn't hold my grandma over . lol Outdoors on "large plants " I would hope one would at least be pulling two #'s a piece

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Its already been stated 7 joints a day, I cannot bring myself to believe that someone would smoke joints with 0.14g of weed in them. An ounce a month is not very much when your smoking habits are not built around your income. I'd say 2 ounces a month minimum at a low estimate.


Well-Known Member
2 gram joints or 5 gram joints ? 2 ounces a month sound fair though. Some can do an ounce a week though.


That's only a pound for a year. That wouldn't hold my grandma over . lol
I smoke lots of weed after all i'm from nepal.when i wake up early in the morning i need a joint.when that fruity sativa enters my system only then i can think of doing something.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
if you grow mature healthy plants, good genetics, along with a proper dry and cure, you may only need about half of the other crap you were buying.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
2 o's seems alittle on the high side for me my smoking habit is based on pain not income and i am talking indoor, i guess my bud will just last longer than you guys (longer cure time for me).i have never done outdoor so no opinion on that.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
a quarter a day sounds wastefull smoke a gram joint fall asleep wake up in 2 hours smoke another joint fall asleep wake up two hours later........ i smoke at least 5 times a day wake in bake till the good night bowl or dab whatever the case might be.but maybe your bud just isnt that good, when you grow it it will be.


Don't take this the wrong way but it sounds like the bud you're smoking is poop. Good thing about growing it is that you'll know exactly what you're smoking. I've seen some absolutely disgusting things in commercial bud.... Gross


Well-Known Member
This is a very hard question to answer aaccurately. First trying to figure out how much you actually smoke a year, then you have to realize that you might not end up growing good, healthy, high yielding plants. Your always going to run into some problems- some plants might get stressed thus stunting them, some might die from various causes. I'd say estimate your yearly consumption then research different strains and growing conditions, then start more than you will need and go from there. Hope that makes sense. I started more than needed and more than I had space for and unexpectedly they are all thriving. Now I dealing with a jungle. Just can't bring myself to "thin out the herd". I'm in for the duration- lots more work than I expected, hopefully ill be rewarded come harvest.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
a quarter a day sounds wastefull smoke a gram joint fall asleep wake up in 2 hours smoke another joint fall asleep wake up two hours later........ i smoke at least 5 times a day wake in bake till the good night bowl or dab whatever the case might be.but maybe your bud just isnt that good, when you grow it it will be.
Define wasteful? When I grew I easily smoked that much, partly because I could, and partly because my tolerance was through the roof.