How to extract carbon rods for use in electroculture.


Well-Known Member
Electrodes are needed for experimenting in electroculture. Sure any old conductive rod will work but ideally it should be non corrosive to limit contaminants and unwanted reactions. Luckily high quality thick carbon rods can be found in common lantern batteries.

Lantern battery
Wire cutters
Safety glasses

To begin acquire a standard lantern battery from any hardware store such as Lowe's or Amazon. They should be fairly cheap at around 5-10 dollars.
Take your pliers and remove the top casing of the battery. Inside you will find cylindrical cells, these contain the rods. Cut the wire connecting the cells together. Remove the cells. Take your pliers and clamp down on the terminal jutting out of the top of the cell. Pull upwards and you will start to see the rod slide out. It will take a large amount of force to get the rod out but its quite simple to do with some effort. After removing the rods dispose of the cells safely.
Now we must clean the rods. They will most likely be covered in a sticky substance. To remove this simply heat the rod up until it burns off. The rods are made of pure carbon so they can handle pretty much any heat without burning. I like to connect my electrode to a high amp circuit and allow it to get red hot in order to clean it.
Hopefully this helps.
Google 'BHO' or 'pressed rosin'. Your setup sounds like a crazy crack extract, perfected by a tweaker :spew: