How to get the perfect amount of water


Hello, I'm new to growing, and want to know what are some techniques for watering? My current situation is I just put the plant into its final container. It was originally in a peat pot, and I just buried it into the final container. I have heard that peat pots will absorb a lot of water. So what are some good signs when it is time to water? Also I use spray bottles to water, is this a good idea?


Well-Known Member
Pick the container up and feel the weight when dry - like now hopefully. Then check its weight daily. You will feel the difference daily. Soon you will not need to do even that. Spraying is OK depending on your lighting. Foliar feeding is done that way for those who want to do that.


Active Member
Dont use spray bottles on your plants, especially when you are flowering. those tiny droplets will act as a magnifying glass on your plants could get some light burn. I water when my plants seem dry. i always check with my index finger in the soil to see. Also your plants will tell you what to do too. Just watch if the fans (leaves) sag a lot. thats a sign of over watering. Good luck man !!!



Well-Known Member
Just a quick tip for you, when you repot the plant and its all in the final pot pick it up and feel that wieght, so when it gets lighter you know its time for some water.
Another method is to spend a few dinaris and get a moisture meter. I have two, one i bought for 8£ and one i was give which has an led light and depending on how fast it flashes means how much water to use, but if you dont want to spend the cash, you can always stick a finger into the soil and if it is not wet and inch below the soil line water, if it is wait a day.
On your spray bottle front, yes you could water with it i guess but by spraying a plant you are slowing down its breathing, is that what your meaning, other wise spraying the soil wont really get water where it is needed, in the root zone,

hope this helps,,


Active Member
Dont use spray bottles on your plants, especially when you are flowering. those tiny droplets will act as a magnifying glass on your plants could get some light burn. I water when my plants seem dry. i always check with my index finger in the soil to see. Also your plants will tell you what to do too. Just watch if the fans (leaves) sag a lot. thats a sign of over watering. Good luck man !!!

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Those plants are showing necrosis and rust spots on the leaves. I'd check the nutrient levels they look kinda hungry to me bro.


Well-Known Member
flood the top of the pot let is soak through wait until the pot is light then do it again. in a 5 gallon pot I will dump a gallon of water on it flooding the top so it evenly soaks through with plenty of run off. watering with a spray bottle is not sustainable and for people who don't know what they are doing. flood the pot flood the pot flood the pot. be shure it dries out significantly before watering again, not wilting but light pot. if your spraying the leaves the whole magnifiying glass thing is bullshit if you have the circulation you are suposed to have the water will dry up before ant damag can be done, but your not helping anything by spraying your leaves either


Well-Known Member
Hello, I'm new to growing, and want to know what are some techniques for watering? So what are some good signs when it is time to water?
I know it sounds stupid, but the dry weight vs. wet weight really works. Took me a couple weeks to get the feel for it. IMO, there is no better method to determine when to water. I can now lift my pots and know right off how many days before my next water. If in doubt, don't water. Overwatering is the #1 killer of plants.


Thanks everyone! So ima get off the spray bottles and start judging weight of the pot along with what I notice about the leaves