How To Kill Gnat Larvea?


Well-Known Member
Azatrol, I found it @ local hydro shop, but you should be able to find it or something just as good @ a nursery. If it's a systemic, Azatrol is, it can help keep all pests away, Including spider mites.. Just make sure you stop using at least 3 weeks b4 harvesting, so it can clear out....


Well-Known Member
But damn I hate using anything like that on my girls, maybe someone has an organic way. Neem oil????


Well-Known Member
i dont have a hydro shop around so is there anything else that i can buy anywhere like home depot or sum shit thxs


Well-Known Member
If ya let the top of your medium dry out it will kill them.

Is it always moist? Thats where they come from.


Well-Known Member
dryin out and puttin sand on top....I recently flushed and when i went back to get my baby, there shit loads of baby gnats all over the rim....they didnt show until now..i'm like a week away from harvest...that type of shit makes me not wanna do soil grows anymore.....fucking bugs r a hassle


Active Member
If you want to stop them, and if you growng in dirt, you can put a 1 inch deep layer if sand over top of your soil. Fungus gnats will not lay their eggs in sand or even dig in to it also try bottom watering for a couple of weeks, keep the water level above your drain holes so they will not enter the dirt from the bottom. And don't bring in sand from the outside (your kids sand box) LOL. It can bring some other kind of pest inside like fleas or mites. Go buy some play sand or building sand.


Well-Known Member
I just got rid of a nasty infestation, organic and cheap. I tried the dry soil and sand, but the little buggers kept hatching out of the soil. To knock them down, use any form of pyrethrins (chrysanthemum extract). Foxfarm calls it Don't Bug Me, but Ace Hardware sells a generic form for cheap. You can spray the soil (don't worry about the leaves) with the stuff, and it will kill the adults and hatching babies. I also hang a sticky fly trap thing in the closet that has no pesticide and has a little tray that I put some honey in (not flytape!-it has pesticide). It attracts the gnats and they stick to the trap. It's a gooey nasty sticky pain in the ass if you touch it, but it's worth getting rid of the gnats.

BTW, the gnats don't really harm the plants. The larvae will feed on fungus in the soil and the root hairs if it gets really bad. The adults are just annoying but not detrimental to the plant like white flys. The biggest problem I had was the sticky buds would trap the gnats and I had to pick gnat carcasses off the buds while trimming! Good luck with it.:blsmoke:


Active Member
i had a gnat problem and sand is the way my friend, cheap and very effective. tbh i dont care where i get the sand from i always boil the kettle and pour it over the sand and sterilize it first, because u really dnt know whats in the cheap ass builder's sand. in fact ill do a quick test later and test the ph run off from the sand i "aquire'd" from a building site.


Well-Known Member
all you need issomething that has BT in it, it goes in the roots and kills the larvea....look it up on the internet the ingredient is b.t. many places sell it like home depot ........this works fast