how to reverse my strawberries


Well-Known Member
I just brought my strawberries from outside to indoors, they have already quit blooming. Is their a way to force them to start blooming again?


Well-Known Member
does the area where the plant is subject to the lights being turned on and off after the sun goes down? Make sure the plant has a regular light schedule and mimic the sun in the summer season. 14 on 10 off should do it.


Well-Known Member
sweet, ill give that a try, they've been on 24/0. Thats a good idea though, guess just treat them as the others eh?


Well-Known Member
works good, i have mine on 24/7 still and they started producing. You may notice online that that will sell seeds that are better suited for indoor though, wish i had known.


Well-Known Member
If I could just butt in for a second, I've been growing the new "Day Neutral" strains of strawberries, these will produce year round as long as they get sunlight and you keep the winter rain off them (I live in Vancouver) in a cloche or greenhouse. Just a suggestion for the future garden.


Well-Known Member
sweet, thanks. what i was reading about online were the variety that dont produce the secondary thingys, dont know the technical name, but you know how a single plant transforms into like 8 million. they now have a variety that doesnt do that that works better for indoor since you would want the strawberries taking over your house, especially if you have more important plants growing nearby.