Huge Drug Bust In Louisiana!


Active Member
Cops used to be here to help people. Like getting your cat out of the tree or if you lock your keys in your car or to have the neighborhood drunk spend the night in jail to think it over. But now days it's just like the sheriff of nottingham good old bushel britches robbin the poor to feed the rich. All cops do is hand out tickets and bust people to collect cash for the city, shit they don't even get paid much. But what you do in this life and the people you effect in this life may have negitive or positive concequeses depending on your choices including your choice to be a cop and ruin peoples lives. I hear HELL is a pretty horrible place.


Well-Known Member
wow thats fucin sad, one cheesy ass plant

her son probably came on RIU to lean how to grow lol

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
You gotta be fucking kidding me! Wow! If you look at the comments on the bottom of the news article, they all think its re-cock-ulous. It just goes to show you most people these days are understanding it needs to be legal.