Hurricane Irene seems to be headed this way..what should i do about my plants?

Hurricane Irene seems to be headed this way, my plants have just been put on a 12/12 bloom schedule. It also seems that I will have to drive to my familys home a few hrs away. The problem is; I don't know how bad we will get hit here; if the power will be out; what will happen with my plants, etc. I don't really know what I should do about it because they are operating in a DWC, inline fan, oscillating fan, airstones, etc. Can anyone help me out with this one? Thanks so much and all help is greatly appreciated.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
As long as the lights go out, you should be OK, it's the interruption of the DARK cycle that causes problems. You can leave 'em in the dark until it's over. I've had power outages before and left the lights out until power was restored before I put them back on schedule.
They should be fine if the lights go out. As long as you can get back to your house to check on them within a day or so. They'll survive. Be happy yours is inside instead of outside in the ground like mine lol. Oh man, *%&% this damn hurricane. Its really going to screw a LOT of people.

The Weedster

Active Member
Get emergency lights that have the battery and instead of regular bulbs put cfl's in the fixture, That would still produce enough light for your babies to not be in complete darkness when the power goes out..... You just have to have an internal timer to kick the lights off when its time for the plant to go to bed :)


Well-Known Member
Just grab a few buds and go some where safe. the worst thing that could happen in my opinion is the power going out. that would mean that I would have to take them outside for light. That is not an option where I live so just have to take my chances. I live In central NY in the eastern finger lakes area so I don't really know what to expect.


Active Member
if you wait until the last minute to leave, and get back immediately, you should be fine letting your lights just stay off with a power outrage until you can get back and babysit a gas generator. If safety officials are keeping people out of your area for more than a day or three chances are a power outtage is the least of your worries.

As for the air stones and various low-wattage stuff, look into an "uninterruptible power supply", the same battery backup used for computers in office settings. These should provide plenty of juice for small wattage fans, bubblers, etc so you can keep your air going.
I plan on leaving tomorrow night and return on monday. I was planning on filling the reservoir a little higher than normal (thinking that it would be better than the res being too low. I am going to leave everything hooked up and on, including the timer for the 12/12 schedule, the way it is looking, I'm pretty certain that there will be a power outtage, it is said for the center to be right on NYC.