Hydro Closet Grow Light Question



hey fellows, so here it is. i am someone who enjoys fine bud but is tired of the shady ways of dealers and the high price to buy it, so its come down to one new idea for myself. i am happy and exciting to start growing but am still full of questions.

i am going to be starting an indoor closet grow this coming summer and would like some help finding the right light to use.

well to start, i will be growing all auto fem seeds in a two plant Rubbermaid hydroponic drip system. im thinking i wanna do my first two grows with easy ryder (http://www.worldwide-marijuana-seeds.com/products/joint-doctors-easy-ryder) first and then try Diesel Ryder for the second grow (http://www.worldwide-marijuana-seeds.com/products/joint-doctors-diesel-ryder). during the grow im thinking 20/4 for lights so i am wondering if there are an suggestions on what light would be good for this setup. anything ideas you wanna give me im open to, this grow isnt till summer i just wanna do my research before my first grow.

this is what im looking at as of now (http://cgi.ebay.com/150-HPS-growlight-garden-greenhouse-hydroponic-w-bulb_W0QQitemZ150382484844QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item23037e9d6c)

thanks all,

Happy Smoking:leaf:

Cronic The Hemp Hog

Active Member
what size is your closet. I would probably stick with a 150 or 250 HID, a 400 w really pumps out the heat and can be a problem in small spaces, unless you use a cool tube type set-up. Hydro is tricky to grow your first time, I had trouble with it, now I prefer soil. But to each his own. I just had no idea how much evaporation would fuck with the TDS and PH of a Hydro reservoir, I was constantly adding water, nutes, epsom salt....it was a never ending battle. Soil is easier for me, less time consuming. I just make sure the right nutes are in the soil when I start and feed every once in a while.


Well-Known Member
honestly that will work great for what you are doing, but if you do decide to go with hps in a closet be sure you get some really good ventilation going otherwise it will get real hot real fast. nice choise of autos i ordered the easyryder and afghan kush ryder when i first started and ran into issues with the kush ryder, but i must say the easyryder is one of the best that i have smoked. Undoubtably high level of thc i would guestimate around 18% and an amazing yield for such a small plant, i ended up cropping the easyryder 2 weeks early do to some issues and i still ended up with 1.5 oz. dried off of 2 girls. i think you will have some fun with this one when the time comes. good luck on your future grow.


the closet is 6'x6' so its fairly spacious. ya im not too sure what to expect with hydro especially my first grow but im gonna try it out, ill probably find it to be too difficult lol who knows


thanks for the advice casey i dont think i woulda known that and that definitely would be something i gotta look out for