hydro juice


New Member
hey im a complete noob with hydro. i just got all the stuff for an ebb setup, the pump, tank, root chamber etc. i was wondering how exactly to make the hydro juice though? thanks


Well-Known Member
welcome to the site tayker!

i'm going to assume you are talking about nutrients? you buy them and mix them in water to make the hydro juice. you should make sure your water is the proper pH so make sure your pH meter is calibrated - same goes for your PPM meter.


Well-Known Member
i have only used General Hydroponics Flora series and Flora Nova series. They seem to work fine for me but others will have different opinions. Regardless what brand you purchase, most nutrients are either:
1) Vegetative Phase (grow)
2) Flowering Phase (bloom)
1) Base (used in all phases)
2) Vegetative Phase (grow)
3) Flowering Phase (bloom)

There are also many supplemental, cloning, rooting, rinsing, cleaning, and foliar feeding "nutrients" out there also.

So I'd recommend search around on the forums and check out the grow journals to see what others have had success using and replicate it.

The nutrients i use are:
BioBizz Root Juice
G.H. (General Hydroponics) Flora Hardwater Micro
G.H. Flora Grow
G.H. Flora Bloom
G.H. KoolBloom
G.H. Flora Shield
G.H. Flora Clean
G.H. Floralicious Grow
G.H. Floralicious Bloom
Spray N' Grow

Puffin Afatty

Active Member
GH nutes worked fine for me for more than 10 yrs now...I use the Lucas formula and only use rod water...I have tried an experiment for the past year and have not changed the res at all, only added nutes at the 8ml micro/16ml bloom ratio and/rod water to keep ppm at about 900...ph stays about 5.5-5.7 thru whole grow...my plants are thriving...super cheap way to go...jmtcw, warning: your results may vary