Hydro Nutrients


So i started doing my first Hydroponic setup. 10 plant system and my resevoir is an 18 gallon rubbermaid tub. now my problem im encountering is that my current nutes settle in a couple hours even with two bubblers and a 40gph pump for circulation is their any other nutes that disolve in the water better then Grow Big And Big Bloom. or a better way to circulate water other then me hand mixing it every 3-4 hours. I can give more info if its needed please guide me!

Off to work so if i dont immediatly respond i Apologize!


Well-Known Member
Are u taking before and after ppm measurements when hand mixing? My 50gal res may have a 10-20ppm difference after mixing. The water gets saturated and the rest drops.


Active Member
Run a small PVC drip system and attach it to the pump. This is exactly what i do and ive had great results with it. If you put your pots in a line you can run the pvc straight back into your res and you have a recirculating system that will always keep the water moving. Not to mention the water dumping back into the res creates oxygen as it breaks the surface. Its so easy to do and i have two of them going(one for veg and one for flowering). This is by far the best way to go for Ebb n Flow. photo (55).jpgphoto (54).jpg