Hypothetical scenario and a fun story.


Well-Known Member
So, I was growing a plant (a regular one, i think a norfolk pine) that my friend gave me. It was pretty much dead when he gave it to me. He was going to trash it, but given the fact that I love plants of all sorts and am pretty good at reviving them, I convinced him to just give it to me. Much to my surprise, and entertainment, a few sprouts popped out of the dirt after a few weeks of bringing it back from the dead. Well, both are weed! After asking him about it, he thinks he dropped some seeds in there a long time ago, and since he was so bad at watering the poor pine, the seeds never got enough moisture to germinate. Anyways, here is my question.

I have limited space, and the space I do have is already being used by my real grow, which at the moment is on 12/12, so I can't transfer these plants into my grow room for obvious reasons. So, instead, i uprooted them and put them in my aero garden which I use to grow basil, cilantro, etc. I want to keep them in there until Spring where I will transplant them outdoors. (there is still 3 feet of snow on the ground here). My aerogarden is on normal light cycles which goes off everynight, and is essentially 12/12 I think, never really payed any attention. So, I think I am pretty much in flowering phase already on the sprouts, in the weed-growing sense. Does it really matter in the long run? If it does flower in a month or so, does it really matter? It's not like its going to die, can I just transfer it outside in early spring and then it will revert to veg phase and be fine anyways?


Well-Known Member
that was too much to read! next time keep it short and sweet! umm, why not just set the timer for 16on 8 off? that way your basil or w/e can still produce or w/e and your plants wont start to flower! that way you wont have to worry about them revegging


Well-Known Member
I don't know if that is possible, there are no buttons on the darn thing except for what type of crop you are growing and reset.


Well-Known Member
you dont have a timer for your lights? hmm, can you post a link to what you have going on? it doesnt have to be YOUR setup but something similar.

I don't know if that is possible, there are no buttons on the darn thing except for what type of crop you are growing and reset.


Well-Known Member
aero garden? the thing you buy on TV or roomstogo or something to grow plants on kitchen counter...


Well-Known Member
aero garden? the thing you buy on TV or roomstogo or something to grow plants on kitchen counter...
i dont watch TV. get get me a link! look on youtube! maybe someone else knows what your talking about. im trying to help you though in the mean time. ive seen aerogarden but the ones i have seen had independent light with timers. arent there more than one different type of aerogarden? post a link!


Well-Known Member
if you go from flower to veg it can cause hermies so no. i dont htink you want any pollen near your house at all. put em under a floro for 24 aday it tkes little power and theyll be ready when the snow is gone


Well-Known Member
how old are these plants? i got the notion that they were very young. a little change in light cycle will not make a difference to a seedling!