I am just growing plants until they die. I REALLY NEED HELP

I am pretty much new to growing and kind of new to this site. I apologize if there are posts the same as mine already posted. And I am sorry that I do not have a lot of money and am only growing in "ghetto" ways.

Things to remember:
I don't know much about growing and nothing about "nutes".
I have next to no money and not a whole bunch of space and I am at my moms house.

I started earlier this year with about seven seeds (all from dank weed I've bought, I didn't remember any strains). Out of the seven three sprouted and started growing. One was younger and smaller and in a smaller container and I think the heat from the light dried it out and it ended up dying. After I started flowering 12/12 one showed it was male. So I got it out and let the other one grow. It started showing it was female. It was doing good (not great) for about 6 weeks and then started doing real bad and kept getting worse. Then it pretty much just ended up dying.
Those first two plants were in miricalgrow soil in a 4'x4' closet with a 250 watt HPS. I think it might have died from no ventilation or lack of nutes or nute burn from miricalgrow??? Like I said I have no clue about growing.

Anyway back still in vegetation I took a few clones and put into a aerogarden. All three didn't do that good in the begining. But then they started doing pretty good. I ended up transplanting one of the two smaller ones into a pot with the same miracalgrow soil from before and put outside. And left the other two inside in the aerogarden in a small cabinet. One of the inside two have always done better than the other. But now, today (8/19/12) the one clone in soil outside is doing real good and the two inside in the aerogarden aren't really doing too good. They kind of look like they have rust spots on them, maybe tiny white spots, and lower leave are totally brown and dead dying (SEE PICS).
Its a Aerogarden 7 there are the 2 clones from the one plant and 2 clones from a male plant I had in there growing for some stupid reason but pulled them out today. And there is also a gran daddy purp x sour diesel seedling that was started in the aerogarden. Right now its just the seedling and the 2 female clones in the aerogarden. You can see the seedling in the 3rd pic. The seedling looks totally fine.

I don't know what to do. Is there something I can do to solve these problems? Nutes, different setting on the areogarden, or something? I'm thinking maybe I should take these 2 clones and seedling and transplant all 3 and take my chances with having 4 plants outside in my yard. And August is almost over, theres not much time left to really be growing outside.




Well-Known Member
That white pot looks tiny how big is it? oh wait nevermind duh! it's in aerogarden right?