I get a sharp pain by my hart?weed?


Active Member
Could this pain be associated with smoking weed?,i used to have this sharp pain alot,but it went away for a couple of months,then it started again..I went to the doctor and my blood pressure is slightly high...Any body ever get this sharp pain? i run alot,every day about half a mile..so mybe its my hart stressing,cuz i do run alot a day mybe a mile.plus i smoke heavy every day for 10 years now..:neutral:

mr j2

Well-Known Member
I've been getting that recently and have been off an on for awhile (even before I smoked). It's probably something to do with blood pressure or your heart itself. In my case it's probably because of caffeine too. Does it hurt when you take a hit?


Well-Known Member
yeah i get this pain every now and it hurts like a bitch. i found if i dont consume caffeine that i dont really have that pain anymore. idk there are always different factors that can cause pain though, ya know.


Active Member
no not when i take a hit,but when i release it..It would be the same if i didnt have smoke the pain is on the release.Ya me and you have the same thing going on.I dont take caffiene,so its not that,i started drinking beer again and you know what,it started about a week ago when i started drinking..,but i have been drinking only a pint(corona)a day..I went to the doctor and my blood pressure is up.But it was because i was high..iam guessing its not the beer,its just the pot,plus cardio and beer...its all of these.I recommened asparian(bayer) its a blood thiner,dawm as i write this i am getting that low sharp pain..i just dont know,but i do know it started up again when i started drinking


Active Member
as stoners we have fluctuating hart patterns, weird beats...cause we hold our breath alot..( for getting high) just take asparin and try not to hold your chronic to long.....untill it goes away,,but beware the sharp pain will return again in a couple of months


Well-Known Member
i get a tightness in the chest when i smoke but over time i realized its anxiety when Im hi, anxiety has the same symptoms as a heart attack somtimes. when i get like that i usuallly drink which makes me relax and it goes away. when im drunk i can smoke as much as i want and i dont get that feeling cuz i got the liquid courage counter acting these ill effects

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
I get that shit too. I think it might be heart burn though. I never had it until like 2 years ago but it comes and goes and it does depend a lot on caffeine/soda that I drink. I've been told it's heartburn but I truely dont know. Never got it diagnosed.


Well-Known Member
You're not supposed to hold your hits... I wish GK was around he'd tell you, THC gets absorbed instantly, you'll get just as high without holding your hit long. See all that resin in your bowl/bong? The longer you hold your hit the more of that shyt you put in your lungs. That's what causes lung problems in marijuana smokers, them holding it too long, not the herb itself.

I also get this sharp pain in my chest a few of you were talking about. Only randomly, but when it comes- omfg. Feels like everything just clenched up. And hurts. Shyt... couldn't be the caffeine though- I do not drink anything carbonated or with caffeine. I don't drink alcohol often, and while I was pregnant and not smoking weed I still got these. My blood pressure is also normal.. what else could it be that we all have in common?


Well-Known Member
any of u guys ever pass out? i have 3 times so far. i usually get really high, dizzy, light headed, and feel like im going to puke. then just wake up. i think its from low sugar or something. cuz i usually havent had anything to eat when i passed out.


Well-Known Member
yes ive come close to fainting too, most of the time i get really scared that im gonna have a heart attack, last time it happend i got up real quik pour me a fat galss of wine took about 3 nice gulps and I was right as rain again.

I think it may come from unconcoius hyperventilation when paranoid maybe?


Well-Known Member
any of u guys ever pass out? i have 3 times so far. i usually get really high, dizzy, light headed, and feel like im going to puke. then just wake up. i think its from low sugar or something. cuz i usually havent had anything to eat when i passed out.
I've passed out once, couple years ago. I remember standing there and everything was going white. But my friends son just came in the room and I didn't wanna stumble to a chair or something. Everything went white and I was seriously dreaming. Woke up in the recliner with 3 people around me.. they said I had a far off look in my eyes then just collapsed to the ground.. I dunno.. when I woke up, I wanted to hit the bowl again...they cut me off...:evil:


Well-Known Member
I'm no doctor but I have been thru something similar before. Most likely its one of these two things. It sounds like most of you are talking about heartburn/acid reflux, or gas pains. Next time this happens take a tums and if it goes away within 5 min u know what it is. Stress can also cause this but can be solved by smoking a couple small tokes and inhaling deeply or even taking a few deep breeaths. When you dont bereath deep enough(like when in stressfull situations or stressed in general) your blood gets low on oxygen which in turn causes a chest pain. I went to the emergency room before for this. The more I worried about it the more stressed I got and the shallower I would breath. It got so bad I thought I was going to die. When I got to the hospital the doc gave me a shot of demoral, a couple tums, and a paper bag to breath into. The bag is so you know you are taking full breaths. Because if u dont take full breaths you will pass out. After that I was sent on my way with a great buzz rollin from that demoral shot. I'm a firm believer of holding in a hit of weed, I can take two medium hits and hold them in and be blown. If I just inhale and exhale I dont get near that high. The THC doesn't sit on the outer edge of the cloud of smoke and immediately jump off into your blood strream. Smoke needs time to absorb into the lungs and swirl around a little bit, its not an injection. If you take a half of a hit of some super flame and hold it in deep, you slowly feel it expanding (absorbing) into the lungs. You may even be forced to cough it out, that is when you get high! Just my own opinion though


Well-Known Member
i will def. try that out. I often get chest pains when high, and sometimes ill get really nervous and have a panic attack at the same time, talk about tweaking out:)


Well-Known Member
i use to feel like i would get dizzy and about pass out. i think a lot of it is anxiety. i started taking anxiety medicine and i havent felt like that since. as for the sharp pain around the heart thing.. caffeine has a lot to do with that. or so says my dr. also fast food doesnt help.. but from the sounds of it someone who runs as much as you. i doubt you eat that much mcdonalds