I Have Thripes!!! Please Help!!!!


Well-Known Member
i have these damn pests/bugs that look like and act liek spider mites. they are not though. they are thripes. i hear there is a easy way to get rid of them. i tried soapy water that helped a lot but i did not keep up on the sprays. i have also ready somewhere along the way that a lemon juice, apple cider, cayenne pepper mixture will work. i think there is another ingredient to the recipe, but im not sure what off hand. can anyone point me to the link in which i read it. thought i bookmarked it but i didnt. i need these fuckers gone! im in 2nd week of flower. i must have them gone soon!!!! please help!!!!! i can upload pics, but i do not think my camera will capture the bugs real well.


Well-Known Member
i've had thrips. i can't answer the question you asked as far as the ingredient, but there are alternatives. lady bugs work but you'll need a lot of em, and they still won't get them all. try monterey with spinosad. you can get it at lowes or HD, can't remember which one though. i'm pretty sure it's ormi listed and can be used up to 2 weeks before harvest. i've also heard mosquito dunks are good for thrips, and also neem oil. you still have plenty of time and options, and yeah, thrips fucking suck. good luck.


Well-Known Member
thanks! i think im going to try cayenne pepper mix first then try another mixture. neem oil if i still see them in a week to ten days. i need that recipe!!


Well-Known Member
Cover the pots with tin foil so the eggs cant drop from the leaves to the soil preventing no more young hatching, place tin foil strips in the brightest parts of the canopy and grow room to deter the flies, they hate tin foil and it confuses them. Buy some thrip predatory mites, work for small populations. If it is a small grow pinch of as many as you can daily, breath on the leaves and they should come out to investigate the humidity change and check along the leaf veins as they like to press up against these to hide from you. Thrips can be a sod to get rid of but if you kill the life cycle i.e. cover the soil you will eventually get rid of them. Peace


Well-Known Member
im treating them like spider mites. that is what the census seems to be, so im going to pick up some mighty wash and rid them that way. thanks for the info and the help!!

cary schellie

Active Member
I had em bad, I blasted them with neem oil 3 times. I also got hot shot pest strips that get the stragglers. They are $9.00 at your local hardware store. The neem oil I got was in walmarts fungicide3 by garden safe $5.47


Active Member
Are you sure they are thrips? If so, they are usually just in the soil.... If you have a grow store in your area, or just want to order it online..... Buy Azamax.... Let the growing medium dry out a little (they thrive on water).... Mix up the Azamax, spray the girls top to bottom..... Then soak the soil/coco (whatever) with the rest of the mix.... Probably a gallon per plant.... This will destroy them and ANYTHING else.... they will be clean and bug free soon after everything dies and falls off....


Well-Known Member
im going back and forth with the idea of them being thripes or mites. i do not see webs, ive had them for more then a few weeks now. i think the problem in the veg closet is well under control, however not so much in the flower tent. so its really confusing me and irritating me to all hell!! there def not just in the soil. they are all over leafs. they leave black little shiny spots that look like little resin drops. i have to get this nipped in the ass quick!!


Well-Known Member
I never had mites (Thank God/Touch Wood) so i could only advise treat for mites. If the flowwer room is hotter than the veg room then this is partly why there multiplying so much i would think. Do not all mites spin webbing or just now and again, i dont know but i heard similar sometimes.

Sounds like you need to take more firm action, i never had a thrip problem that didnt go away over time using simple methods, mites i never want, suppose someone wo had mites could advise better, i have neem oil but am reluctant to ever use it. Peace