I know this is a loaded question, but..


Well-Known Member
soil vs coco yields.
Say a soil and coco plant are going at the same time.
Say they do 6 weeks total in veg (seed/clone). Root for 2 weeks then veg for 2-4 weeks. Flower for 8 weeks.
Say everything went right and didn’t run into any major issues, and I understand that each strain has different yields, but how many oz of dry weight do you think each could pull?
I’ve heard that coco can pull more than soil, but if everything was good and whatnot, how much do you think each plant could pull in that time frame?
These are some of the genetics I’ll be using. Trying to get a rough idea of what I should expect if everything goes smoothly.
1000k mh hps air cooled light



Well-Known Member
You need to give up a bit more information lol. Type of grow (SOG, SCROG,ETC). What is your experience level? I have seen people take a big light and still get shitty yields . . . And others pull multiple lbs! How many plants are you intending to use?


Well-Known Member
You need to give up a bit more information lol. Type of grow (SOG, SCROG,ETC). What is your experience level? I have seen people take a big light and still get shitty yields . . . And others pull multiple lbs! How many plants are you intending to use?
I plan on doing 16 plants in a 4x4 flood tray.
Usually on my soil grows I get about 3oz per plant.
With 16 plants in the tray, I figured not as long of a veg time.
And I guess a motified SOG type of grow.
I planned on using co2 once I learn a little more about it, but I was mainly seeing the difference in yields in soil vs coco.
What other information do you need


Well-Known Member
If your getting a solid three per plant you are looking at somewhere between 2-3 lbs. What makes it a bit difficult is running multiple strains at the same time . Running the same strain let's you have a more uniform canopy and allows your light to be optimal for all your plants. Good luck!!!