I Love Hash


Well-Known Member
If you don't have enough to share with everyone then tease us. You may fax some to me. :)


New Member
Aaaaaaaaagh! I just keep staring at the goddamn pic's. I've got some trim in the freezer, not much, maybe about 60-70 grammes. I'll be putting some more in there later. Is there a cheap way of making quality hash without buying those bubble bag systems?

I know they're a good investment, but is there a cheaper way? where do I buy these silk screens for example?


New Member
Mmmm. Nearly 60g's of lovely, pucka hash. Shit man, i wouldn't trust myself with that much... I doubt I'd ever want to smoke a bud again.

Make that thread fdd'... I for one would have keen interest.


Well-Known Member
you all ready to see how it is done. i have a tutorial in the works. i am in the middle of a BIG run. keep an eye out for my hash making thread.


New Member
Please be kind enough to send me a link or post one in this thread. Thanks fdd'. I'm just a lazy stner, see even missed the o out of stoner and I can't be bothered to put it in, although I can be bothered to type this lengthy explanation... Anyway, if you would fdd', thanks ver so much. Fuck, missed an e now.