I Love Photoshop!!


Well-Known Member
Nobody Likes My Art Aye??
I admit it is no Van Gogh.. But then again i never cut my ear off.. Or was that Monet? Meh who knows!


Well-Known Member
lol it was van gogh, and they say he didnt cut he's own ear off. He lost it in an argument over a prostitute with a soldier!
Your photoshop isnt bad!


Well-Known Member
Hmm, never heard that b4 - i feel as tho it does the job. It covers my identity and was good 4 a giggle.


Well-Known Member
should of gone with the beard and fro like in my harvest pics, not only do you hide ur identity, you look super super cool.... chicks dig it.... scince i put those pics with the beard up ive had chicks all over me... none of them have seen the pic with the beard, but i like to imagine thats why they like me, my beard and fro...... fake beard and fro i might add.....


Suffice to say I love it. As a Graphic Designer, I use it in 99% of all my projects, and now I enjoy using what I do to make PhotoShop Tutorials. If you don’t need to be a professional or even and “artist” to create works of art. Nowadays, you don’t even have to know how to draw.Their are several ways to use this program for creating beautiful pictures.


Well-Known Member
Photoshop is pretty powerful for sure. Illustrator even more so.
The first attached photo I made for a game profile where there were split images. The second is the only image used in it. Everything else was made in PS CS3. I have never taken an art class of any sort. If you have photoshop, keep playing with it. You would be surprised at how much you can do with it.

