I need Help ASAP Please!!!!!!


Ok I tried to transplant my baby and resoil as I pulled the up it snapped and I pulled up the top part but the main root was still at bottom of the soil I tried to replant the part I pulled up but now I don't know if its even worth it did I just screw my baby or can it be saved? Please someone help me.


Well-Known Member
So it snapped completely off the root/stem? If that's it then you're better off putting some rooting hormone on the broke end and treating it like a clone. But depending on how long ago that was could mean she's gonna die. How old is it and such?


Well-Known Member
if it not big enough to clone then it may not be savable
you never know it may take root aslong as it doesnt lose internal pressure and wilt up
Start by putting the green part in cold water and get it in the fridge .Then run out the back and shout at passing cars for as few minuets before consoling yourself.
The cold will allow you time to prepare some clone action. good luck
if its any consolation i was vacuuming the run off in my clone area ......ok couple of seconds to paint the mental picture LOL
And yes as i pulled the end out sucked the top off one of my sky walker clones. No getting in the fridge after it went up the vac ./


Wow I didn't put in fridge I recoiled the part that was left as I poured the rest of the soil out as it was a solo cup the rest of the root was at the bottom of the cup and the root was long. I threw that part away as I tried my best to resoil what was left of the plant. I think that the plant was about to lock up that's why I was transplanting to prevent root lock as the bottom leaves were discolored. Should I have kept the bottom soil with the rest of the root?