I need help from expert grower

ok, before I ask my question here is the score on my plant. fyi, I've never grown before.

1. This plant is about 3 months old
2. it's only about 6 inches
3. it has white hairs in sets of 2 growing mainly from the top.
4. except for the size, it looks very healthy. just small.
5. it's mainly an out door plant but has been moved indoors during cold weather.

I know under the best conditions, plants only need 3 months to grow. my question is under the conditions that I stated, how long would it take my plant to bud up? I'm almost positive it's female but like I said, I've never grown before.


Well-Known Member
that plants 3 months old and its 6 inches tall. some thing not right. at 90 day it should be done. most will finnish in 70- 75 day 3 -4 foot tall.


Active Member
How big is the container you have the plant in? If its too small you could have dwarfed it.