I need HELP!Pls look my pics


Active Member
Hi,I have 3 babes.They are one month old.Pls look my leafs.
light 600w hps 18hours per day
coco cair
nutrions GHE Flora Series
FloraGRO 15,Flora Micro 10,FloraBloom 5 ml/10l(2.5galons)
around 840ppm
ph is from 5.9-7.3
Whats wrong with my girls?Thanks



Active Member
But I every day ph put down to 6,but after 3 sealing ph is again increase to 7.3. And also you think that my ppm is low?I am beginner, but dont want to lose my girls.Thanke you


Well-Known Member
You will need to get a hold of your ph fluctuation. That is a big difference between your high and low. I would raise your ppm a little at a time till they don't look so hungry. make small changes not drastic ones and you will be less likely to hurt your plants.


Well-Known Member
How i can hold my ph on 6?I have PH Down GHE,but that only put down my ph but not hold.

I am not a coco coir grower, but have read on here that run-off comes out with a high ph. I would do a search on coco coir here at RIU and see what you can come up with. I use hempy buckets and my ph going in is 5.6-6 and never over 6.2 coming out. Coir is basically the same as it is handwater/timed drip hydro, the only difference is the medium. I use Perlite only, which is a completley ph-neutral medium... again, I am not sure about coir.

I would try this: lower your nutrient solution ph to 5.6 or so. up your ppm a little and see how it goes for the week. just remember not to over do it. Gradual changes are best.


Well-Known Member
It also looks a little droopy, was it just watered in the pic? maybe your medium needs to dry out a little more between watering.


Well-Known Member
Do you think is that too much?
I'm not sure how well coco coir holds water, having no experience with it myself. However, I only water every 3rd day and at most every other day in my hempy buckets. Your leaves should look perky. When they are down like that and your medium is super damp your roots aren't getting enough air and drown a little. I would say watch it close and let your medium dry out a little bit and see if the plant perks up. This could also be affecting your nutrient uptake if your medium is water logged. BTW 100% perlite hempy buckets are super easy. I was trying out dwc etc.. Then happened on the hempy bucket and tried it... it was just too easy..LOL.. It finally won out and I am all hempy now.


Well-Known Member
I grow in coco also and always ph my feedings to 5.6 - 5.7 (digital hanna meter) after I mix up my nutes. I'm using Advanced Nutrients "Monkey Juice" which is specifically designed for coco. From everything I have researched with coco, you must use nutes made specifically for coco or you will end up forever chasing the perfect mixture. The only thing i do out side of the monkey juice is 3ml of Cal-Mag (per gallon) of water. I dont think I need it, but its not a bad thing.

I can water my coco everyday and not overwater them. Its like perlite, runs straight thru and holds very little moisture.


Active Member
I mean watering
Today is new day but situation is same as before.I trying to hold PH on 6 but it increase every time after watering.I need help!Thanke you


Well-Known Member
I mean watering
Today is new day but situation is same as before.I trying to hold PH on 6 but it increase every time after watering.I need help!Thanke you
Watering once a day or every other day would be sufficient. Boneman said coir is pretty similar to perlite, mine takes watering every other day to every 3rd day. I think he hit the nail on the head with nutrients made for Coco coir. This is probably the root of your ph problems. However, there is another possiblity. Are you using RO water? If you using tap your water could be really hard and therefore affecting your nutrient uptake. I have had to adjust my nutrient levels as my water is a little on the hard side.

mmm.. try buffering your solution to 5.6. Let it sit out for 40 minutes. Recheck the ph. if it stayes near 5.6 great... This might be a way to narrow down where the problem is really, medium or solution.