I smoked here #2


Well-Known Member
Long ago there was an awesome post where we all posted pictures of the places that we've smoked at... I can't find it anymore, so here is #2!

My first submission, Kenai Lake in Alaska... bring your ice skates (or grab a surf kite and get a board!) and cruise the ENTIRE LAKE whilst toking on your favorite strain!



Well-Known Member
I've always wanted to move to Alaska. I'd say its one of the most beautiful places in the US


Well-Known Member
I never smoked at kenai lake but have on the kenai river.did most of our partying at big lake. I miss it alot my favorite place to toke was ontop of flattop in rabbit creek


Well-Known Member
Underneath St. Louis arch...but i did it just before sunrise.

I've always wanted to move to Alaska. I'd say its one of the most beautiful places in the US
Not only the US, but the world... the terrain is unlike any other place on the planet.

And it hosts the worlds tallest above sea mountain, Mt. Denali as I call it, screw the white mans term of McKinley, political BS.

Mt. Everest only reigns as highest because of the plateau it sets on which is I think about 13-15k ft high... the mountain itself is only a little above 13-14k ft high while Denali, from base of the mountain to summit is a little over 20k ft.

I never smoked at kenai lake but have on the kenai river.did most of our partying at big lake. I miss it alot my favorite place to toke was ontop of flattop in rabbit creek
Lemme know if ya head back up, I'll be up again in a few years, I know some great rides!

Another fav. spot of mine back home in Louisiana is the MS river, getting to watch the huge tankers come down like this one!



Well-Known Member
I'm friends with many long time Girdwoodians, since before the annexing into Anchorage municipality they have been there.

Can tell you way too many stories about Girdwood, many happen at a bar downtown, you know the one... with the horseshoes in the back!

Here's one taken at Point Worenzoff, right off the runway at Anchorage... used to go here during lunch, and just toke and listen to mellow grooves by Minus the Bear, included here!

Those mountains are a good 50-60 miles away... the front of the mighty Alaska Range.


Another shot from a favorite of mine, the boss man owns some land in Wyoming, this sunset was taken on his ranch, miles and miles of open, free land.



Well-Known Member
I worked in town, never went there for anything else... I went to Alaska for a reason, to get away from those big cities!

I'm headed back as soon as I have earned my degree.


Well-Known Member

Come on folks, share some of most scenic smoking spots you know of!

This was one of my favorite vistas... though I've only been here once... the Alaskan highway just 100yds behind, and this HUGE lake, and endless mountains all around.

Hope y'all can read this...

And another, a local Alaskan spot... only about 1.5 hours from my place near Anchorage, a mountain, never sure of the name... but ALWAYS enveloped by these beautiful clouds, I named it simply, "Mt. Majestic" because that's the only word that can describe how it felt/looked in person. (Not resized, did not want to reduce quality)



Well-Known Member
i got a few and most should know where there at...
pics from my last trip...
San Diego
Los Angeles
Las Vegas

was smoking when i took these...:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Awesome pictures, and I love the one with boulders... never been to California or Nevada, but have spent a few months in Arizona, did a lot of bouldering and hiking around the desert, found some amazing adventures out there!

I'll have to grab my Arizona pics from the external HD... will show them in the next bump ;)


Well-Known Member
I dont think Big Lake has a view of sleeping lady. I just googled it, because its a place I remember looking at every night.


Well-Known Member

Anyone else got cool pics of places they've smoked?

Surprised at how easy it was to smoke a Yellowstone in April, no one is there because most of the roads around the park are closed!

But, traffic was still backed up ;)

Here she is... Ol' Faithful.



Well-Known Member
i had a spliff desguised as a ciggarete on oxford street, if you wanna smoke in public, get a ciggarete, pull out the filter, use a pencil to push the tobbacco out, mix it wit some weed and just drop it back in at the bottom, slip the filter back in eh viola perfect cannabis ciggarete, works for takin ur weed on holiday aswell, when they xray them, they look like a normal fag so its all good, ive also smoked outside schipol airport, on a protest march to legalise cannabis in uk and somewhere in france or belgium on a school trip a few years back.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Kind of like the picture, found a small quiet place where the rock faces basically made a comfy sofa, smoked a few joints and watched the world. We saw hawks fighting too, they kept flying up high and diving at each other. All the while were smoking these joints, just laughing at how awesome the hawk fight was.


