I suck trumps dick and think war with iran will go splendidly

Iraq was just a warm up.
This one will be the real deal if we attempt to put more boots on the ground again in Iraq, which would have to be a launching point for an attack on Iran.
They, the US troops, will be fucking surrounded by people that hate they're guts and all the fucking drones/cruise missiles in the fucking world won't help when they go one on one with the militias/ Iraqi/Iranian army.
One way or the other, a LOT of people are going to die as a result of that motherfucking, cock sucking, probably daughter fucking piece of shit sitting in the WH, and that is incredibly sad to me personally.
Pardon my profanity, but I'm REALLY pissed off about this murder, because that's what it was, a fucking murder committed by the USA.
War crime, anyone?
Iraq was just a warm up.
This one will be the real deal if we attempt to put more boots on the ground again in Iraq, which would have to be a launching point for an attack on Iran.
They, the US troops, will be fucking surrounded by people that hate they're guts and all the fucking drones/cruise missiles in the fucking world won't help when they go one on one with the militias/ Iraqi army.
One way or the other, a LOT of people are going to die as a result of that motherfucking, cock sucking, probably daughter fucking piece of shit sitting in the WH, and that is incredibly sad to me personally.
Pardon my profanity, but I'm REALLY pissed off about this murder, because that's what it was, a fucking murder committed by the USA.
War crime, anyone?

That's all par for the course and I'm not surprised at all. Obama killed an American citizen child in the same fashion for political gain. They're all sick fucks, and won't EVER get tried for their murders. It's like how the police get paid leave after murdering a "suspect" they plant drugs on. Even if they get caught, they're back doing it again after a few months. We're not "free" as people like to lie about. Democrats tell that same lie about how free we are. At any moment our government "for and by the people" can detain us as a terrorist forever, and we aren't then even allowed a lawyer, let alone a trial.

I'm sorry Jim, but politicians just suck PERIOD suck. There's no such thing as a better one. It's another lie the media tries to tell us.

We're all puppets. And if we make too big of a stink, they'll disappear you.

Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki was a 16-year-old American of Yemeni descent who was killed while eating dinner at an outdoor restaurant in Yemen by a drone airstrike ordered by U.S. President Barack Obama on 14 October 2011.
That's all par for the course and I'm not surprised at all. Obama killed an American citizen child in the same fashion for political gain. They're all sick fucks, and won't EVER get tried for their murders. It's like how the police get paid leave after murdering a "suspect" they plant drugs on. Even if they get caught, they're back doing it again after a few months. We're not "free" as people like to lie about. Democrats tell that same lie about how free we are. At any moment our government "for and by the people" can detain us as a terrorist forever, and we aren't then even allowed a lawyer, let alone a trial.

I'm sorry Jim, but politicians just suck PERIOD suck. There's no such thing as a better one. It's another lie the media tries to tell us.

We're all puppets. And if we make too big of a stink, they'll disappear you.

Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki was a 16-year-old American of Yemeni descent who was killed while eating dinner at an outdoor restaurant in Yemen by a drone airstrike ordered by U.S. President Barack Obama on 14 October 2011.
I see the meth has taken ahold
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My BIL was a geologist for Amoco and got this hat from a Halliburton guy in China- look how shitty it's made! Fuck!

that's my marble coffee table that my mom bought in 1962
that is a shitty hat

I just learned today that the chair my wife nursed our child in was a hand me down from her grandparents, maybe 60 years old

the upholstery was redone about 25 years ago as atheme for her little brothers nursery

I take pride in knowing anything I build will still be standing that long from now, and hopefully still cherished
That's all par for the course and I'm not surprised at all. Obama killed an American citizen child in the same fashion for political gain. They're all sick fucks, and won't EVER get tried for their murders. It's like how the police get paid leave after murdering a "suspect" they plant drugs on. Even if they get caught, they're back doing it again after a few months. We're not "free" as people like to lie about. Democrats tell that same lie about how free we are. At any moment our government "for and by the people" can detain us as a terrorist forever, and we aren't then even allowed a lawyer, let alone a trial.

I'm sorry Jim, but politicians just suck PERIOD suck. There's no such thing as a better one. It's another lie the media tries to tell us.

We're all puppets. And if we make too big of a stink, they'll disappear you.

Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki was a 16-year-old American of Yemeni descent who was killed while eating dinner at an outdoor restaurant in Yemen by a drone airstrike ordered by U.S. President Barack Obama on 14 October 2011.

there's more to this isn't there bunny?..

father, Anwar al-Awlaki, was alleged to be an operational leader of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.[6] Anwar was killed by a CIA drone strike[7] also ordered by Obama two weeks prior to the killing of his son.
there's more to this isn't there bunny?..

father, Anwar al-Awlaki, was alleged to be an operational leader of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.[6] Anwar was killed by a CIA drone strike[7] also ordered by Obama two weeks prior to the killing of his son.

There's ZERO more to the story. He didn't get a trial and was assassinated by "our" government. That sets a sick precedent.

All the government has to do is accuse you of being a terrorist and you're property to be held forever because of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) made law on 12/31/2011.

Your silly string incident could technically be considered a terrorist act, and your new housing would be a plush 9'x5' room with all the ammenities including a squat toilet you have to beg a guard to flush maybe once a day if you're on good behavior.

Is that the America you want? I sure as hell don't.
There's ZERO more to the story. He didn't get a trial and was assassinated by "our" government. That sets a sick precedent.

All the government has to do is accuse you of being a terrorist and you're property to be held forever because of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) made law on 12/31/2011.

Your silly string incident could technically be considered a terrorist act, and your new housing would be a plush 9'x5' room with all the ammenities including a squat toilet you have to beg a guard to flush maybe once a day if you're on good behavior.

Is that the America you want? I sure as hell don't.
Yeah I could see how that would be something a foreign troll would be against, who would you get paid by?
There's ZERO more to the story. He didn't get a trial and was assassinated by "our" government. That sets a sick precedent.

All the government has to do is accuse you of being a terrorist and you're property to be held forever because of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) made law on 12/31/2011.

Your silly string incident could technically be considered a terrorist act, and your new housing would be a plush 9'x5' room with all the ammenities including a squat toilet you have to beg a guard to flush maybe once a day if you're on good behavior.

Is that the America you want? I sure as hell don't.

then i guess that could include 'milkshaking'..everything can be weaponized if we go with your theory..don't tell your messiah you want to take his milkshake away.



silly string gets the point across and easily removed..it never occurred to me to light it on fire..that came from the minds right here at good ole RIU.

i know! let's just outlaw everything..like outlawing flavored JUUL because of tainted carts some idiot was selling and kid bought..see how that rolled into destroying a company?

calm down Henny.
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