I think i broke my toe =(


Active Member
So i was putting up groceries the other day, and i was puttinga can of beans on the top shelf, and whoooops!!! Down goes the can. As its falling, im thinking, eh its only a can, what harm can it do..... then next thing i feel exruciating pain. Then i look down to see blood actually splattered onto my other leg, and on the walls and stove. This was 3 days ago, and the pain hasnt gotten any better. Ive heard u cant really do much about a broken toe, but im starting to think maybe its worth spending a couple hundred to see the doc???



Well-Known Member
Put ice on it and get some painkillers from the doctor or just use aspirin and smoke a pipe. I smashed my thumb once and after a day I had to go to the emergency room because the pain was very intense. They told me there was nothing I could do except take painkillers and soak it in ice. It dissipated after a couple of days.
Good Luck!


Active Member
Brutal dude! +rep. Haha! Can't really tell if it's swollen or not though. Kinda just looks like you're gonna lose the nail. Not so much a broken toe. I'm no doctor though.


Well-Known Member
IMG00066-20100707-1245.jpgIMG00065-20100707-1142.jpgIMG00063-20100707-1134.jpgI broke my finger about two weeks ago, I went to the doctor and they stiched it up and took xrays, the entire finger tip was crushed. There wasn't much that they could do about it being broken, just cut. They gave me some lortabs, anti biotics and a splint and it seems to be healing just fine. its still kind of sensitive, but will probly be completly healed in another 2 weeks. If you go to the doctor thats all they are going to do for you, painkillers, antibiotics and a splint. Sounds like you dont have any insurance, so you decide if thats worth a few hundred bucks. You can buy a splint and some tape at the drug store. Do you know anybody you could buy some painkillers from? You probably don't need any antibiotics cause you dont have a bad cut. I'm not a doctor, but your toenail might fall off. Do you have a job? you could always say you hurt it at work and make workers comp pay for it! Any ways hope it feels better.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I broke the same finger tip... it ends up a bit thicker, lol. Totaly throws out the visual aesthetics of my hands.
I think the doc would remove that toenail to get the blood blister out. I wouldn;t just leave it, you can believe it if you want to but my father died indirectly from something that fell on his foot at work.


Active Member
smashed my thumb once....had to heat up a needle too red hot and stuck it through the nail to relieve the building blood pressure...when i did the blood came out like old faithful! Instant relief tho.....

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
looks like my big toe aswell as the 1's next to it when i dropped a concrete block on it, my toes hurt like hell for days aswell as kept bleeding i ended up losing a couple of nails and pains in them for a couple of weeks, you just got to do your best to get on with it i know it hurts when you catch it on something and the throbbing can get quit stressful, i used all the frozen bags in the freezer when not out and about and when going out put plasters around the toe to help stop the nail from catching give a week or 2 and it'll be fine. the 1 thing i would keep an eye on is infection i know it doesn't seem likely but my middle toe got infected as the nail was coming off and although not particularly painful did drag the experience out for another 2 wks, best of luck buddy it'll ease off soon enough


Well-Known Member
It look like there's already a hole in the nail, which is one of the things a doctor would do, to relieve pressure. Other than that and painkillers and stuff, they will tell you to ice it and elevate it to keep the swelling down. If it hurts a LOT, go to the doc, otherwise if it's just very sore, Ice..Elevation...Motrin.


Well-Known Member
Keep it elevated and ice it for 10-15 minutes every hour,if you can. The ice hurts at first, but it will help numb it. The doc can't do shit but give you painkillers for it, if they even do that..lol. Good luck...it's gonna hurt for a while.


Active Member
thanks for all the advice. The pain is still pretty bad today, but feels a little better after looking at that finger, omg that looks painful lol. Ive been taking pain pills and they help alot. I havent been able to put ice on it cause it hurts so bad. Whenever i get up to walk, it feels like all my blood is going into the toe and its gonna pop. I cant imagine poking a hole in the nail for it to pop lol. I dont have insurance, and based on what most of you said, it wouldnt be worth it to go to the doc, i ll just have to take a lot of tylanol. thnx again xD