I Want To Move To Canada, I think


Well-Known Member
I want to move to CANADA. I have 5 years to prepare for this. Why should I or why should I not?

I think Canada sounds cool because guns are illegal and weed is legal.

Please line me out here if I have a misguided approach.


Well-Known Member
I dunno where you plan to go but where I live guns are perfectly legal and weed is illegal


Well-Known Member
However, penalties for weed are a lot less severe from what I understand and gun laws are much stricter. Especially for restricted weapons(hand guns, automatics ect.) which decreases the amount of gun violence, but almost anyone can apply for a license to carry rifles and shotguns and such


Well-Known Member
However, penalties for weed are a lot less severe from what I understand and gun laws are much stricter. Especially for restricted weapons(hand guns, automatics ect.) which decreases the amount of gun violence, but almost anyone can apply for a license to carry rifles and shotguns and such
That's what I'm talking about. I don't care to look up current stats, but from what I understand about 12,000 people per year die by gunfire in the U.S., compared to less than 100 in Canada. Here in the U.S. you don't need anything but cash.


Well-Known Member
Weed isn't legal here, dude. It's also very hard to get a medical grow license.

Penalties for weed here are not usually a slap on the wrist, we now have mandatory minimum jail sentences.


But yes, Canada is very safe for the most part.
Wow, I have been misguided. Thanks man. However, I can bring carbon filters with me. Don't get me wrong, I'm NO dealer.

I just want to live in a fairly laid back place where I can grow my own weed and stand less of a chance of getting shot by some piece of shit criminal.