i want too grow indoors i got a closet

[email protected]

Active Member
i dont know a whole lot about growing and and dont know what kind of systom to get for a closet and i also what to know how much can i grow in a closet with out getting busted and how much weight will i get per plant


Well-Known Member
i dont know a whole lot about growing and and dont know what kind of systom to get for a closet and i also what to know how much can i grow in a closet with out getting busted and how much weight will i get per plant
Bro, it would take pages and pages to answer your questions. You are pretty much asking "How do I grow pot, and how much should I expect to yield?" I think you should start by reading an f-ing book, gain some experience with some tomatoes or some non-pot related plant, and then ask some *specific* questions when you have at least a foundation of knowledge. They make tons of books related to pot growing, I don't know why people try to start on rollitup.

There is no easy way to grow pot that yields great results, don't mean to crush your dreams, but it just doesn't work like that...


Well-Known Member
well first of all you need to figure out wich method you are more comfortable with. I find that soil is easiest to learn. how many plants you can grow depends on the dementions of the closet and of corse what strain. if the plants you are growing are a smaller strain you can grow more. as for weight of the plants it all depends on how they are grown there is no way to tell exactly how big they are going to be till they are harvested!!!

[email protected]

Active Member
hey i just wanted to know what kinda of systom is good for biginers and how many plants i can grow in a closet i didnt ask how to grow it and what a ph is


Active Member
get some pots, throw some dirt in them, grab a few beaners, put them in the pot with soil, water and set next to a window. g/l


Well-Known Member
hey i just wanted to know what kinda of systom is good for biginers and how many plants i can grow in a closet i didnt ask how to grow it and what a ph is
Four plants is probably a good number for a closet grow, and I guess Ill throw in some tips on a grow setup for you. Well soil is a good start. 50/50 Promix and Perlite shouldn't let you down. Then there is PH, you want to maintain a stable ph of 6.5 in soil, which is slightly acidic. This can be controlled with a ph control kit, which includes testing supplies, as well as ph up and down to adjust your ph accordingly. You will probably need to add ph down to your water, and ph up to your nutrient solution, as organic nutrients tend to acidify the water they are added to. Always remember to test ph AFTER you add nutes to the water. Then there is nutrients, for a beginner I would go with a nice full spectrum hydro-organic fertilizer such as pure blend pro, you will need a vegatative fertilizer and a bloom fertilizer, pbp makes both. Do not fertilize for the first two weeks of the plants life, then feed every 3rd watering after that, gradually increasing feeding strength from 1/4 of the recommended dose all the way up to full strength when the plant can handle it. Now lets talk about lights, most beginners start with cfls, daylight spectrum for vegatative growth and warm white spectrum for flowering. The more and the higher the wattage the better, heat will eventually become an issue though if you add too many. That takes us to ventilation, you will need some sort of intake and exhaust in your growing space to provide fresh co2 and to simulate wind for strong stems. This will also help maintain a stable temp, somewhere between 70 and 80 would be optimal for growth. Switch from a 24 hour photoperiod to a 12 hour photoperiod to induce flowering, this is when the plant starts to grow buds(but only if it ends up being a female, males are worthless). Keep in mind the plant will grow to be 2-3 times the size it was when it started flowering, that means if you want to harvest a 2 foot plant, flower it at 8 inches.

Like I said there is way too much info to post at once, but there is some useful tips in there for you;-)


Well-Known Member
lol your the first ive seen to use a email as a user name.. =]

any system is good for beginners they all take time to learn