if i got busted...


Active Member
Would it matter if I got busted growing in a non medical state with 6 plants or with 15 plants. I don't sell but want to double what I do now for my family. If I get busted will it not be likely to claim personal use or does a certain amount mean intent to distribution


Well-Known Member
depending on number , you could be involved in organized crime check your state on NORML


Active Member
I checked norml for my state and basically growing anything your fucked. Over an oz. your going to jail. So screw it and go big right. I don't know anyone that's been busted so I don't know how strict they really are. I hope Med. Mj passes soon.


Well-Known Member
some states have a actual specified number that causes the act of growing to move from misdemeanor to felony, for instance; in FL anything under 25 plants is a misde. while anything 25 or over is a felony.... but you also have to take into consideration if you live in proxy to a school, park, church, or other public places, that can cause even a misde. grow to become a felony as well..... because your obviously selling it to kids if you grow and live near a park..... *rolls eyes* geez... these laws suck ass....


Active Member
well if you go super big, you *will* face federal charges... 99 plants is the threshold for fed time... if you grow 1 or 99 you will face the charges you face for growing in a non-medical state... i've heard that growing indoor will add to the potential time as will growing in hydroponics (da's love to talk about how "advanced" a growing method it is, when in fact there haven't been any substantial changes to basic hydroponic method in decades)... take care of yourself and watch your back, if you get caught, you will be penalized regardless as to whether you grow 6 or 60... take care of yourself and your family and don't scrimp on the odor control!


Active Member
I really shouldn't be growing at all with all the nurses and therapists comming in and out of the house but once you start its hard to go back to the street. If I have gotten away with growing 6 perpetually all year I don't think adding 500 more Watts and doubling my grow will be to high risk.


New Member
I really shouldn't be growing at all with all the nurses and therapists comming in and out of the house but once you start its hard to go back to the street. If I have gotten away with growing 6 perpetually all year I don't think adding 500 more Watts and doubling my grow will be to high risk.
dude your laws sound like my state laws. maybe were in the same state :D


Active Member
buddy , simple, you grow, you get busted, you go to jail.

so if your gonna grow, GROW AS MUTCH AS YOU CAN!


Active Member
Well I can go to jail for just having an oz. and I always have at least an ounce in the house even not growing. I guess I just never thought about the consequences, and kinda wish I didn't, its just a mind fuck.


Active Member
you should look in to your states laws. usually so much is from x to x amount of time. most judges will not no much aabout it and basically the x to x amount of time will probably go up in his opinion of how much you wer growing and if to him it seems as if you are selling it. some ppl think u can get a pound from one plant so if you did only have 6 you might be in better shape..possibly only server probation.

also man family or not i wouldnt let ANYONE know. everyone has that one friend that they think they can share things with..and that one friend always has another etc. there is also the whole..ohh he wont give me anymore and he has all that to himself blah blah blah to anyone i feel the need to vent to. lol

just saying if no1 knows..no one can tell.


Active Member
Research some good lawyers just in case. And put some crosses or dead chickens up around your plants so you can say it's a religious thing...


Active Member
On norml it only states grams not plants for my state. So they would probally weight the whole plant dirt and all.


Active Member
After some research I found it isn't completely legal to grow anywhere in the world, I don't feel like such a outlaw anymore.


Active Member
They chop the plant off at the base and weigh it, then they multiply each pound by 8000 dollars or more (because you could sell your 250 pounds of stalk and leaves by the dime bag) and pretty quickly you have a million dollar grow op. Then they tell the judge it was 50 plants worth over a million dollars on the street every 4 months.