If you have money in the market take it out TODAY!!!

the auto bailout has pretty much failed and the market has been holding its ground on the outcome of the 3 million job/loss---really going to hurt the economy. The car companies going into bankruptcy means all their bonds go into doubt which throws off the balance sheets of investment companies---which are over leveraged---which means they have a margin call---triggers more selling---which triggers more selling.

The only thing that can stop it now is BUSH. World markets tanked overnight.
Bush wont let it happen looks like hes steppin in

White House considering using Wall Street rescue fund to help troubled automakers

  • Friday December 12, 2008, 9:30 am EST
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (AP) -- The White House says it is considering using the Wall Street rescue fund to prevent U.S. automakers from failing.

President George W. Bush's press secretary says it would be "irresponsible" to further weaken the economy by letting the Detroit car companies fail. Dana Perino says the White House normally would prefer to let the financial markets determine the companies' fate.
But she says that given the economy's shape, the White House will consider other options if necessary to prevent the automakers' collapse -- and that could mean using money from the $700 billion Wall Street rescue.
Perino says Bush and top aides talked on Friday about the urgency of the situation. A potential $14 billion to aid the companies collapsed in the Senate on Thursday night.
Perino made the remarks as Bush flew to Texas for a commencem
they should give money to the car makers but the problem is they need stop suckin as car companies or this will happen again in another few years
Bush wont let it happen looks like hes steppin in

I think he's just talking trying to blunt it. He wasn't going to do that until he saw the futures and overnight results. His ass is in the situation room. None of these proposals throw enough money at the problem to really fix it. They are just putting all the shit on the government instead of working it out in the market where it should stay. Can't fix anything when your half in and half out.
what if you are already broke?

then you are stress free---a lotta people probably envy you now. Think of all those baby boomers getting ready to retire and all of their money is gone?:evil:

Honey remember how we were going to retire and travel the world and spoil the grandkids---not going to happen---I'm going to sell insurance and your going to have to greet people at wal mart instead. :-|
only get out if you own financials and industrials. everything else is fine, unless you are so highly diversified that your account mimics the market exactly(if its a 401k you are worried about, there is no sense in pulling out this late in the game, you have already lost 30% of it.). if this is the case, park the loot in GOV backed bonds for the weekend. all i know, is that i will make money in this today. late
I think what makes this different from the past is that it does involve all classes from poor to wealthy. If your poor, your chance of climbing out and moving up will be even harder. Less jobs, no loans, no credit, etc...The middle class seems to always get screwed either way. The wealthy, well pretty self explanatory like son of man said above, their retirement is gone. Everyone will feel this.
they should give money to the car makers but the problem is they need stop suckin as car companies or this will happen again in another few years
government should never step in to private enterprise..if a company fails so be it...those bastard car companies were fine until the gov started handing out money..its bullshit
only get out if you own financials and industrials. everything else is fine, unless you are so highly diversified that your account mimics the market exactly(if its a 401k you are worried about, there is no sense in pulling out this late in the game, you have already lost 30% of it.). if this is the case, park the loot in GOV backed bonds for the weekend. all i know, is that i will make money in this today. late

It''s not late in the game yet. That is a sucker move. Everyone that knows is out and still getting out and they tell everyone else to stay in. Just look at all the redemptions. Everything is affected. You don't make money in the market buying and holding. Your just a customer who buys shit and eats shit then.
You're right smokey. Fuck the millions of people that are going to lose there jobs because there boss sucks. They'll figure something out! Asshole.