Just Be
Well-Known Member
I'm looking for a specific set of recordings that were pretty popular in 'the underground world' 30+ years ago. It wasn't the Jerky Boys and it wasn't the Tube Bar tapes. I can only remember a few of the topics. A call to a sporting goods store telling the clerk that he wanted to teach his son all about survival. Another call portraying himself as "Jackie Bartley from the old neighborhood". Another call to a doctor where he referred to his proctologist as 'Dr. Fuggee'. Another call trying to sell a piano (a Young Chang) ..The guy was really into using the words 'suckah' and 'pumpkin head'. That's about all I can remember at the moment. Unfortunately, I lent the tape to a friend who loaned it to another friend and that was the end of that. Trying to find these recordings via a basic search brings up too many results to have to sift through so I thought I'd put this out there with the hopes that one of you might know where I might be able to find a copy of these recordings.