increas yeald (flowering)


Well-Known Member
being reading up on flowering a while now and how to get the best yealds

want your opinions on this

11 hours dark + 13 hours light = big yeald/slow flowering time

12 hours dark + 12 hours light = avarage yeald/average flowering time

13 hours dark + 11 hours light = smaller yeald/ quicker flowering time


Well-Known Member
just most ppl say no way to speed up yeald so wanted to hear ppls opinions on this its suposto have being tryed and tested


Well-Known Member
i havnt seen any other posts about this. ive seen ppl tryin out the different cycles but not what ur saying about yield.

u should give it a go and let me know, id be interested in this :p


Well-Known Member
hmm i wonder if it works
u would have to have 3 clones.
same lights differnt exposure times


Well-Known Member
one my mates tryed it it worked quite well he had 60 plants tho 20 under each time scale and there were big differences


Well-Known Member
all depends on what your after if u want more bud and not bothered how long it takes go to 13 light 11 dark if u want to shorten time go for 11 ligh 13 dark but ya will get smaller yield


Well-Known Member
well im going out on vacation for 2 weeks so im going to put the bulbs higher and go for better yeild


Active Member
hi mate ive read that when its last two weeks of flowering u can leave light on for 24 hrs and dark for 12 they recon you get 30% more yeild. im new to this so i dont know myself. what do u think


Well-Known Member
dont change 12/12 unless you have done previous grows.

and FYI the only time it is reccomended to do any chaniging to 12/12 is in the last 3 weeks of flower you can switch to 13on/11off.