indica versus sativa


what are the physical differences of indicas and sativas i get all kinds of answers from people where i live but most of them contradict somehow. also what are the different highs induced by each.


Active Member
The high you will get from either will depend largely on the phenotypes of the particular plants you are growing. But in general sativas are attributed with a head high and indicas a body high. Indicas typically stay short and sativas typically grow tall.


Active Member
Indica - Broad leaves, usually smaller and bushier.
their high is usually a bodily heavy high. Great for those who suffer from chronic pain and so on.

Sativa- Usually grows taller and with thinner leaves, and also usually has much more of a powerful odor than its counterpart.
It's high is usually the "I'm paranoid" high, where it gives you the "speed" effect.


Elite Rolling Society
Indica has big fat wide fan leaves slighly shorter than Sativa leaves, and Sativa has long narrow, skinny leaves.

I've seen Sativa 20 feet tall, and I think they average 8 feet and taller.
Indica is a shorter, bushier plant.

Sativa is like a STALK, and not like a bush, it is seldom bushy, without pruning and topping.

I think Indica stinks more like a skunk or cat urine. Sativa can be pleasantly fragrant.

Indica can FLOWER in 8 or 9 weeks. Sativa can takes many months to Bloom mature flowers.