buckaroo bonzai
Well-Known Member

LAS VEGAS, April 9, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Mainstream media can't get enough the 'hot pot' topic of legalized marijuana, as it was highlighted on the front page of USA Today on 4-8-2013. Hemp and marijuana industry tycoons, especially 40-year industry veteran, such as Bruce Perlowin of Hemp, Inc. (OTC: HEMP) basked in the publicity. "This underscores our multi-billion dollar industry, as this is advertising for not one, but all twenty-one Industrial Hemp and Medical Marijuana public companies that no amount of money could buy," says a candid Perlowin
Though industry leaders are elated with the publicity, some had strong opinions regarding the article. Entitled, "These guys are high on pot,"April 8, 2013, in USA Today, the article boasted the industry's growth is estimated to be between $2.8-$3.3 billion by year 2015. The article also stated, "The notion that there will be new wealth is exaggerated." "Not so at all," says Perlowin. He totally disagrees with that "low" multi-billion dollar figure, which is based on his 47 years in the industry and says, "They are being conservative to a fault. In the old days before legalization, there was literally millions of pounds of marijuana coming into the U.S. on a weekly basis and for whatever reason, the demand was insatiable. A hundred thousand pounds would come in on freighters and the market would Gobble it up (and without Google) in a week."
He continued saying, "The demand for the 25,000 to 75,000 products that can be made from industrial hemp is even greater and without the risk of being illegal in some states. Hemp, Inc. can market our Industrial Hempproducts in all 50 states and worldwide without that risk..."
While educating consumers on the many uses of industrial hemp, Hemp, Inc. (OTC: HEMP) (www.hemp.com), is also producing hemp-based products proven to increase the body's overall health and performance. The company boasts HerbaGenix nutraceuticals (www.herbagenix.com); BasicHemp (www.basichemp.com), their hemp protein shakes brand; and, custom-branded MJ Lover for Him and MJ Lover for Her (www.mjlover.com) and Re-Load's hemp nutraceuticals (www.re-load.biz) which are derived from a blend of organic nutrients, herbs, and vitamins including hemp extract, and AFA blue-green algae which is known for its healthful effects.
Other products of Hemp, Inc. include hemp gemstone candles (http://www.supportpatchadams.com) made on the Kins Domain; the Eco-Harmony Loyalty Card (www.ecoharmonycards.com); Hemp, Inc.'s flagship website and aged URL (www.hemp.com) which is planned to be the portal for all Industrial Hemp Products and what is quickly becoming the "Amazon" of the Industrial Hemp Industry; hemp and natural fibre clothing (www.cartelblue.com) coming Spring 2013; and, education and media (www.marijuanaincorporated.com).
But as a leader in the industry, Hemp, Inc. (OTC: HEMP) does not only offer products for consumers or consumption. According to Perlowin, "Now that our initial product line is completed, established and being marketed, I don't want to see people spend years like I did trying to sort through a labyrinth of opportunities, personalities, public companies, marketing models and all the expensive peripheral businesses that are connected with this industry, which is primarily why we've created "The Medical Marijuana and Industrial Hemp Consulting Company" as this seemed befitting for a company entrenched in all the multi-faceted opportunities in the medical marijuana and Industrial Hemp industry. The consulting company pulls industry information from a vast network of specialists that consists of other public industry, public company CEOs, bankers, investors, lawyers, industry analysts, and non-profits connected to the industry. The "Quantum Economic Consulting Contract" can reach upwards of $500,000, based on the project.
Though Federal marijuana law brings risk to investors, many investors are attracted to the lucrativeness of the industry. According to USA Today, investors plan to cut their risk by not buying and selling marijuana itself.
In just a 13-week period alone, the "Fabulous Four" Industrial Hemp and medical marijuana public companies (Hemp, Inc., Medical Marijuana, Inc., GrowLife, Inc., Greengro Technologies) traded over 2 billion shares, roughly translating into over $300 million. This is a very clear indicator to the investment community that this industry is here to stay and will only grow, as the USA Today article clearly indicated.
So is it a gamble? For most, risk means less competition because "the weak-kneed won't jump in." But to answer that question, yes. It's a gamble... which is why investors, seasoned and newbie, are lining up for the Green Rush. CEO of Hemp, Inc. also stated, "We view our company products (hemp nutritional products, clothing, candles and other Industrial Hemp Products) as the safest amongst the industry because they can be found in every health food store in America and is at 'no-risk' from the Federal government. I will be personally expanding my personal holdings to make sure that buying shares in every public company, in this sector. Even though I believe in my own company the most, and the Fabulous Four, second, I'll be getting at least 420 shares of every company in our industry. After all, as the leading industry consultant, I support the entire industry. Being a shareholder in every single company, in our industry, that exists now or in the future is something I am compelled to do and I invite everyone else in the world to join me. Anyone can afford to buy 420 shares in most of our new emerging industry public companies." (businesswww.marijuanastocks.com)
Hemp, Inc. (OTC: HEMP) focuses on the vast market created by the quickly emerging, and growing, multibillion dollar industrial hemp industry. Hemp, Inc. (OTC: HEMP) is not involved in the cultivation or marketing of medical marijuana. It is the company's belief that legalization of hemp in all 50 states and at the federal level will come to pass. With that in mind, the company is building infrastructure with the potential to gain substantial market share before and after industrial hemp prohibition ends. (Pending any federal licensing or other requirements, that may be enacted after hemp prohibition ends).
Hemp, Inc. (OTC: HEMP) seeks to benefit many constituencies, not exploit or endanger any group of them. Thus, the publicly-traded company believes in "upstreaming" of a portion of profit from the marketing of their finished hemp goods back to its originator, in which most cases will one day be the American farmer, cultivating natural, sustainable products. By Hemp, Inc. (OTC: HEMP) focusing on comprehensive investment results-that is, with respect to performance along the interrelated dimensions of people, planet, and profits- our triple bottom line approach can be an important tool to support sustainability goals.
CEO of Hemp, Inc. (OTC: HEMP), Bruce Perlowin, is positioning the company as a leader in the industrial hemp industry, with a social and environmental mission at its core. In fact, he wanted to, consciously, found a business with non-financial goals that weren't an after-thought, but are part of its DNA.
About Bruce Perlowin--
steve cubby his X partner is a real character...that's all I will say-

UP Hemp and Cannabis Alliance--