Inline fan or duct booster


Active Member
I had seen these duct boosters that are installed inline with your duct at Menards.

I think they pull about 250cfm for a 6". They appear to be similar to inline fans so would this work as long as I have proper cfm rating?

I am pulling through a carbon filter and cooling a 600hps light.

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
They may look similar, but they're not. Duct boosters are intended to help move air through long straight runs of duct. They don't have the power a centrifugal inline fan does. I doubt it would have the power to pull through the filter.


Active Member
No sorry a duct booster wont work. An inline fan is MUCH stronger, it wont have its cfm quickly diminished by 4 feet of ducting and your hood like a duct booster will. I'm cooling my 600 with a 4 inch vortex and its doing pretty good but I honestly would go with a 6 inch if you want to keep things under 75 without needing a AC.


Active Member
Sorry to agree with the others above. I bought a 4" booster and I couldn't feel anything past an inch or two. So I swapped it out for a 6" booster. Still a waste of money. At the end of September I am buying a high velocity inline fan. The 6" booster cost me $30. $30 wasted. I'll spend the $120 for a decent inline.


Active Member
Well I have a blower squirrel cage out of a furnace but I think its gonna be to much for a 4x4x8 with a light and filter. Its probable 800-1000 cfm


Active Member
The ratings on those duct boosters are all lies. Your mom can blow harder than a duct booster.


Active Member
I actually said screw the fan, I already dropped way more than I was supposed to on the grow room. Since my grow room is in my furnace room in basement I decided to hook it up to my return and leave fan running all the time. I can block return grille to regulate how much pull I have through grow room. I have a carbon filter it will be pulling through and Im gonna get some good furnace filters so I should be square.


Active Member
duct boosters can actually be quite useful in small/certain situations since they can usually fit inside ducting, are very quiet, and are lightweight. However they do not compare to inlines in terms of power and cfm. Duct boosters aren't meant to handle back pressure and will burn out if under that stress for long. An inline and a duct booster is a great combination. For example use an inline to exhaust/pull/exit and a duct booster to intake/push/enter.