internal system cleaning question


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so i run drip to waste on an automated system, my res is a 15gal tank which constantly cycles through a chiller, over the last couple weeks ive been battling a falling PH issue and ive tried alot already, obviously drained and refilled the system several times, when that didnt work i drained and refilled with a strong h202 mixture, which did get some light brown stuff coming out of the chiller return so im convinced this may be where my issue is- build up in the chiller, so today i was gonna drain the tank again and run either a bleach mixture or a pool shock mixture to try to clean out inside the chiller more, ive read threads where people have mentioned doing this but there was never a real good discussion about it, was wondering what mixtures you guys may have used for internal cleanings and what youve had best results with. between bleach and pool shock which would you recommend and why, i also thought about the seafoam stuff people use in car radiators, but have no idea how dangerous that may be to run through here..

obviously no matter what i use the system will need to be thoroughly flushed after. Also some people in other threads relevant to this topic have suggested running the chiller flow in reverse (switching the pump so its flowing into what is normally the return) someone said doing this helps cleaning things out because anything stuck inside the tubing/coils is used to the normal flow direction so reversing it makes things "unstick" easier.. others though said this could potentially damage the chiller.. idk enough about how they operate to make that judgement for myself so i was gonna leave it normal flow but share your opinions please, would love to hear from people who have experience with it.
that's good. you can use pretty much anything then.

i used to use star san to clean mine. it's for brewery pipes and such.
that's good. you can use pretty much anything then.

i used to use star san to clean mine. it's for brewery pipes and such.
hmm hadnt thought of that, good thinkin! Probly gonna use either the bleach or shock today just cuz i have them on hand but with definitely look into that for the future! of those two which do you think would clear out more.. im thinking the pool shock lol also opinion on reversing flow?
@rkymtnman hey one more quick question, i use a bluelab gaurdian monitor with ph and ec probes that stay in the res, should i leave them in to benefit from the cleansing or pull them out to prevent any possible damage? thanks again.
@rkymtnman hey one more quick question, i use a bluelab gaurdian monitor with ph and ec probes that stay in the res, should i leave them in to benefit from the cleansing or pull them out to prevent any possible damage? thanks again.
i'd take out to be safe. the strongest i use on my probes is white vinegar
To clean the bluelab guardian probes:

yea i have their kit to clean with, just wasnt sure if the shock treatment would fuck them up or not, i took them out just to be safe. definitely got some crap cleaned out of the chiller and tubing. refilled after several thorough rinsings, sittin pretty at .9 EC 6.0 ph so far, hopefully no more chasing!