Is a Stillbirth an Act of Murder? Maryland Law Says So


New Member
i understand that, i'm not labeling you - i am labeling the system, the non-thinking and the victims of this anti-feminine war against life.

what about the question of intervention, if you would shoot a maniac wielding a gun would you consider it just to simply ignore the dismemberment of living children in the womb at the hands of a "doctor"?

Read the "I'm not for it" part of my post. You won't trap me into this debate. I refuse to take a granite stand. But the part where you would consider shooting the Dr. worries me


Well-Known Member
it's a philosophical dilemma, that's why i'm asking you, to see how you rationalize one defensive act but not the other.

like i said, i'm not certain what the "correct" thing is on this... hence i sought input from the old man with excess years and a giant tv! :)



New Member
it's a philosophical dilemma, that's why i'm asking you, to see how you rationalize one defensive act but not the other.

like i said, i'm not certain what the "correct" thing is on this... hence i sought input from the old man with excess years and a giant tv! :)

And as you can see this is a very controversial and emotional dillema. Who is right and who is wrong. The Christian right says abortion is against Gods law, yet considers killing criminals and enemies of the state OK. Pro abortion rights people, demand their individual rights to their own bodies. I try and stay away from this debate as I see it as a no win situation. Kinda like the right and the left in politics, never will the twain meet. Yeah, the TV is great, I figured I deserved it. I mostly watch shows about nature and documentaries and political stuff, No American Idol for me. We also like to watch some sports and car stuff, My grand kids love the disney channel on the theater. My wife is a huge Angels fan and we watch every game because if it's on in the daytime, I must tivo it so she can watch when she gets home from work, Boring, But we saw a good one the other night, 18-9 Angels.