Is Apartment Growing a Bad Idea ?? 1 - 3 plants

is it safe to grow in an apartment?

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this post is for anyone who has ever grown, tried to grow, or is glad that they decided not to grow in an apartment. Plz share you stories for those of us who are still on the fence.

This thread is mostly aimed toward security issues but feel free to add anything you think could be beneficial.:leaf:


Active Member
seriously a dangerous thing to do if ur not smart. Just depends really on where your at too. I live in an apt, but i grow at my parents house. i am however making a cab to use at my apartment but its only being built for one plant at a time.

can u grow in an apt, yes, easily, just be prepared to have a LOT of limitations.

what light are you using?
where are u growing?
temps are going to be an issue if using good lights, ull have to vent, is there somplace u can vent to? (my biggest issue, at home i vent into my attic, but my upstairs naighbors wouldnt be happy.
whats ur space look like?
how much u got to spend?
how are you enducing night cycle?

lots to think about... im sure everyone here will help you out if u give more info and even give tips and advice, but ur question is to broad to really awsner.


Well-Known Member
I am on my 3rd grow but in my own house. I would say if you going to grow in an APT ALWAYS have odor control also Be very careful you dont want to be 6 weeks into flowering and have to chop due to an apt inspection
well here's what im thinkin about ...

extra large school locker for a lil bit of stealth and plenty of room, also has a shelf on top for stuff like air pumps and duct muffler and whatnot ... 18''W x 24''D x 72''H ... i chose metal sorta as fire protection... i maybe way off here with thinking that could contain any fire... what do you guys think... maybe its better to go with wood just because its easier to work with and no big electrocution risk... hard call

also im wanting to add the most premium and hardest working carbon filter i can get, but the fan must still be able to run as quietly as possible.. Im willing to spend as much as it takes on these items for my security. im also wanting to add atleast 1 duct muffler .... All of the ducting will be for smell and sound only. i plan on using cfls or leds at least for now.. maybe a 150w hps later on down the road.

im planing on just thowing my aerogarden 7 pot ''tall'' version in there and adding a few more cfls at first. ( nothing major. really trying to stay stealth.)
then as i go a few rounds i may go for a more legit light setup like led or hps.... maybe just better cfls?
also at some point i will upgrade the hydroponics system... but thats no big deal

my goals with this box is - to be smell proof / safety 1st - then as quiet as possible 2nd - then potency 3rd

(the box would be exhausting directly from the top of the box in to the room)


Well-Known Member
if it's going to exhaust into the room, make sure it's not a tiny room and that the room has air flowing in and out through a window or something..
it would be in a bedroom sized room... (my art studio) but no open window or anything.. but the door to that room could be opened at certain points in the day


Well-Known Member
i think that if you have some brains and cash you can grow 1-2 plants in an apartment and make it real stealthy..
just plan everything a head.. you live with other people in the apartment that can't know about this?


Active Member
wow the locker idea is kind of cool
sounds like u know what ur doin pretty much
i use all DIY equip so i cant help u with finding things, but one thing i want to mention (u prolly know but whatever) is ur going to have NO light penetration in that thing, so side lighting is almost a must. Its atleast something to keep in mind. And with the locker, ONE plant is ur max, but it can be a pretty rockin plant. Also, unless ur doing all ur wiring urself, electrical shock shouldnt be a huge issue, specially with CFLs, gettin zapped by ur wall socket for a second isnt really a big deal, itll just catch you off guard. When i was five i used to go to work with my dad and play around there (poor family, couldnt afford daycare and i didnt go to kindergarden). One day i triped and stuck my hand right into a unsheilded electral socket, shocked the shit out of me (physicly and mentaly) but even at 5 I just pulled my finger out and didnt even tell my dad out of fear that i might get in trouble (i was 5...) anyways, thats my story, i woudlnt worry too much about being electricuted. ON THE SAME NOTE tho, if ur using CFLS you can prolly use a wood grow box (i do), i dont think its a huge firerisk as long as u arnt dumb about it.
naw its just me but i deff. dont want anyone else to find out about it .... whether ita neighbors or anyone who happens to come into my apt... noone ever goes into that room but if they did the box needs to not immediately give its self away
thanks WW this is my first grow but ive been doin my homework for a while now and i think im about ready to get started ... just need to iron as many kinks out as i can before i start buying tons of stuff.... yeah i would be totally fine with one plant as long as it is nice.. and stealthy. im just goin personal and i think i only need about 1 oz every month or month and a half. this would do that easily right?? maybe even give me a lil down time every now and then??
oh and yeah i know about the light proofing and stuff ... i think ive got that down,, the front is the only part that worries me ( around the door) but if it gives me any problems i can just put up a mylar curtain of some kind

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Hey man.

Growing in an apartment is definitely possible. I live in an apartment and have my cab set up in spare room. Missus is very sensitive to noise from fans and doesn't smoke but she doesnt even notice it. Be prepared to spend on expensive fans in order to eliminate noise and a decent carbon filter but its definitely possible. Check out my signature. Just finished my first 3 plant scrog and 4th successful grow,


Active Member
an ounce a month? idk man, maybe... i really dont know. Ur lookin at 3-4 months, which means ud need to bring in 3-4O. After thinking about it, no, i dont think ull get that much off one plant with ur conditions. Ud need better lighting (MH/HPS) but u cant use that and be stealth (in the way that you want) because with it comes LOTS of venting and what-not. I grow in a 5X5 1200 dollar grow room set up in my closet and all i ever demand of my plants is about 4 ounces each, often i get much more, but with my setup i find 4 ounces a easy and productive goal.

if u want to get 4 ounces out of that, the trick is going to be LSTing it, ull want to use some electrical or very strong tape and string to tie the plant to the bottom and sides, by doing this u can zig sag things and make the plant shorter, AND it may possibly keep a gap in the centre that the light can travel through to hit low branches... but im tellin u, 4 ounces, idk... dont get ur hopes up.


Active Member
PS, because ur not venting much you may find that a simple inline fan will do. I use inline fans alot (despite how much everyone says they suck) and ive had alot of success. I use 6 inchers, but you could put an 8-10 incher up there and it will be pretty quiet (as quiet as a house fan atleast) and move enough air for that small space. my 6s are 25 bucks too, so nice and cheap.
thanks ww .. yeah i was planing on doing the lst if i could only get one plant... maybe even topping.. but 4 oz does sound like a lil much... . maybe i only need 2 or at most 3.
would a bigger fan be quieter?? or would it just have to run faster and louder? i think i have only seen the inline fans... what would other options be


Active Member
It mgiht be louder, but itd move more air, and still wouldnt be that loud. (when i say loud, i mean detectable, not LOUD)
I also just use DIY carbon filters attached to the inline fans.
if u want smell to go away completely tho, get urself a O3 emiter (ozone generator), I think itd be more than enough for just ONE small plant, specially if u stick that baby up on the top shelf or somewhere.

NOTE: 03 stops odors by reacting with the odors in the air, if u put ur O3 in the cab, you will destroy a higher percentage of pot smell than if u put it in ur room where it will react with anything and everything.