Is bright (lime) green new growth @ week 3 of flower normal?


Well-Known Member
Greetings plant lovers,

So this is the start of week 3 of flower and the girls are stretching their asses off. However, ALL the new growth is bright green. The green is brightest/lightest near the stem and gets darker as it moves towards the edges of the leaves. The girls are being fed with GH's FloraSeries. For the past few feedings they have received 2.0ml of Micro, 0.5ml of Grow, 2.5ml of Bloom and 0.5ml of KoolBloom per gal. They've also been getting 2.5ml of CalMag with each nute watering. They've been receiving the nutes every other watering and they get watered every other day. So nutes, skip a day, plain water, skip a day, nutes, and so on. The plain waterings are just that, no nutes and no CalMag, just plain pH'd tap water.

Does the plant look deficient in something? I'm going light on nutes because a few leaves seem to already have a little claw action going on. Also, I don't want to cause any nute lock out. I'm a first timer and don't really know what to look for or what needs adjusting, but I'd like to get the nutes dialed in a tight as possible. I'd love a big yield this first time out, but the main goal for this run is to keep the girls healthy until harvest and learn as much as possible along the way.

Some pics of the bright green new growth on day 16 of flower. This look right to you guys, or should some adjustments be made?
WT Top View1 FD16.jpg WT Top View2 FD16.jpg WT Top View3 FD16.jpg

Also, here are some close ups of the baby buds. The bloom lights are on which is why the color is off, but these are the same plants as in the pics above. This bud development look on track for day 16 of flower?
WT Bud 1 FD16.jpg WT Bud 2 FD16.jpg WT Bud 3 FD16.jpg

Any insights you guys have would be munch appreciated! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Looks sweet man I was worrying about the same thing a few weeks ago but she's all blended in together noww


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply Racerboy. Short and sweet response, I can dig it. I'll keep doing what I'm doing and keep a close eye on things. Since this is my first time around I just don't know when things might be going off track and don't want to let a small problem become a big one.

Thanks again! :peace:


bud bootlegger
Thanks for the reply Racerboy. Short and sweet response, I can dig it. I'll keep doing what I'm doing and keep a close eye on things. Since this is my first time around I just don't know when things might be going off track and don't want to let a small problem become a big one.

Thanks again! :peace:
yeah, they look nice, and that light green growth is perfectly normal m8..


Well-Known Member
and i guess i could say HELL YES
Hey Newbuddy. Thanks for the vote of confidence! It's been an interesting ride so far, and I'm pretty happy with how things have gone, but I don't have any grow experiences to compare things with. I'll be calmer during my next grow 8-)


Well-Known Member
Looks sweet man I was worrying about the same thing a few weeks ago but she's all blended in together noww
Good to know Aquadel. I've had a few other false alarms earlier in the grow that turned out to be nothing to worry about. I just got the first-timer jitters I guess. I don't want to get half way through my grow and things go off the rails. I'd rather ask the pros and it be nothing to worry about than to assume it's nothing and things actually do go bad! :peace:


Well-Known Member
You must stay with your plants 24/7. Never leave or something will go wrong. Might as well quit your job if you have one. Adjust your pH every 30 minutes. I suggest a 5 gallon bucket with a toilet seat attached for those "emergencies" that come up. Have food delivered to your grow room. Remember, the second you leave the room, your plants will sense you have abandoned them and literally explode.


Well-Known Member
You must stay with your plants 24/7. Never leave or something will go wrong. Might as well quit your job if you have one. Adjust your pH every 30 minutes. I suggest a 5 gallon bucket with a toilet seat attached for those "emergencies" that come up. Have food delivered to your grow room. Remember, the second you leave the room, your plants will sense you have abandoned them and literally explode.
LOL!!! I hear you Red, I'm actually trying to stay calm. That said, if you think back to your first grow you were probably pretty anxious too. Then again, maybe you're as cool as a fan. :cool: I just don't want to have four months of time and energy go up in smoke - and not in a good way. But don't worry, I won't break out the 5 gal and toilet seat! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Greetings plant lovers,

So this is the start of week 3 of flower and the girls are stretching their asses off. However, ALL the new growth is bright green. The green is brightest/lightest near the stem and gets darker as it moves towards the edges of the leaves. The girls are being fed with GH's FloraSeries. For the past few feedings they have received 2.0ml of Micro, 0.5ml of Grow, 2.5ml of Bloom and 0.5ml of KoolBloom per gal. They've also been getting 2.5ml of CalMag with each nute watering. They've been receiving the nutes every other watering and they get watered every other day. So nutes, skip a day, plain water, skip a day, nutes, and so on. The plain waterings are just that, no nutes and no CalMag, just plain pH'd tap water.

Does the plant look deficient in something? I'm going light on nutes because a few leaves seem to already have a little claw action going on. Also, I don't want to cause any nute lock out. I'm a first timer and don't really know what to look for or what needs adjusting, but I'd like to get the nutes dialed in a tight as possible. I'd love a big yield this first time out, but the main goal for this run is to keep the girls healthy until harvest and learn as much as possible along the way.

Some pics of the bright green new growth on day 16 of flower. This look right to you guys, or should some adjustments be made?
View attachment 3450145 View attachment 3450144 View attachment 3450143

Also, here are some close ups of the baby buds. The bloom lights are on which is why the color is off, but these are the same plants as in the pics above. This bud development look on track for day 16 of flower?
View attachment 3450142 View attachment 3450141 View attachment 3450140

Any insights you guys have would be munch appreciated! :peace:
Looks good! I am in week 3 of my first grow as well. What strains are these?


Well-Known Member
Normal... Nice training btw
Thanks SPL. I topped her once at about week 3 of veg and gave her some LST love every couple days during the whole veg period. I've done a little training during flower but she's getting so tall I'm running out of LST options. Looks like I'll have to hang on and let her do her own thing from here on out. :peace:

Pics of some binder clip and stretchy tie LST love after week 1 of flower.
LST 2 FD9.jpg

LST 1 FD9.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thanks SPL. I topped her once at about week 3 of veg and gave her some LST love every couple days during the whole veg period. I've done a little training during flower but she's getting so tall I'm running out of LST options. Looks like I'll have to hang on and let her do her own thing from here on out. :peace:

Pics of some binder clip and stretchy tie LST love after week 1 of flower.
View attachment 3451580

View attachment 3451581
I am forced to lst every plant i have. Its not so bad, just takes up a little more extra time out of my day. Im sorry if i missed it, i am ridiculously blasted right now, what kelvin spectrum are you using? I usually just hit them with 6500k as close as possible! But i have seen other people use 5k with better results! So i am currently experimenting with 5k for height issues. Your plant is looking good! And stretching should be over with real soon! Hang in there


Well-Known Member
Hey SPL. I'm using two sets of PLL bulbs. Four 3000k bulbs above the plants and two 10000k bulbs on the side. I rotate the plants every day so both sides get equal exposure to the 10000k lights. Below is a pic of the light set-up. It's been working pretty well for me!

So you use the 6500k throughout the entire grow? I used the 10000k bulbs up top and 6500k on the side during veg and switched to the current bulb set-up when I flipped them to 12/12.

I'm ready for the stretch to be over! But like you said, should be reaching the end of stretch soon. I also have a new issue - I'm pretty sure the plants have a bit of nitrogen overdose going on. I'm using the GH Flora Series trio of nutes. I've cut back on the nutes, but I'm gonna create a separate thread and seek some advice from the pros. I'm curious if the effected leaves will recover. :peace:

Here's my light set up.
Light Set-up.jpg

A few pics of the nitrogen toxicity issues.
Nitro 1.jpg Nitro 3.jpg Nitro 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey SPL. I'm using two sets of PLL bulbs. Four 3000k bulbs above the plants and two 10000k bulbs on the side. I rotate the plants every day so both sides get equal exposure to the 10000k lights. Below is a pic of the light set-up. It's been working pretty well for me!

So you use the 6500k throughout the entire grow? I used the 10000k bulbs up top and 6500k on the side during veg and switched to the current bulb set-up when I flipped them to 12/12.

I'm ready for the stretch to be over! But like you said, should be reaching the end of stretch soon. I also have a new issue - I'm pretty sure the plants have a bit of nitrogen overdose going on. I'm using the GH Flora Series trio of nutes. I've cut back on the nutes, but I'm gonna create a separate thread and seek some advice from the pros. I'm curious if the effected leaves will recover. :peace:

Here's my light set up.
View attachment 3452170

A few pics of the nitrogen toxicity issues.
View attachment 3452169 View attachment 3452167 View attachment 3452168
All top lights were 6500k, all side/lower lights were 2700k. Why not mount the 10k up top? You rotate them every day anyway yes? Also, keep a close eye on that clawing. If they start to point up as the pot dries then its not a toxicity. While it is pretty rare for a light green foliage and nitrogen toxicity, i have seen it a few times so it is possible. On some lower leaves, do they yellow and drop off? Or nothing at all?


Well-Known Member
All top lights were 6500k, all side/lower lights were 2700k. Why not mount the 10k up top? You rotate them every day anyway yes? Also, keep a close eye on that clawing. If they start to point up as the pot dries then its not a toxicity. While it is pretty rare for a light green foliage and nitrogen toxicity, i have seen it a few times so it is possible. On some lower leaves, do they yellow and drop off? Or nothing at all?
You know, I never thought about leaving the 10000k up top during flower. I just figured I'd put the bloom bulbs up top. You think the girls would respond better to a mix of 10000k and 3000k bulbs up top (two of each) and two 3000k on the side?
As for the leaves, they haven't turned up, even when the coco mix has been allowed to dry completely out. I have seen some leaves turning yellow, mostly in the interior of the plant near the very bottom. None have dropped on their own, but they can be pulled off with virtually no effort at all. It's only been a few leaves, but I want to catch any issues before they become major. You think I should skip a few feedings and just flush with plain pH water for a few waterings? :peace:


Well-Known Member
You know, I never thought about leaving the 10000k up top during flower. I just figured I'd put the bloom bulbs up top. You think the girls would respond better to a mix of 10000k and 3000k bulbs up top (two of each) and two 3000k on the side?
As for the leaves, they haven't turned up, even when the coco mix has been allowed to dry completely out. I have seen some leaves turning yellow, mostly in the interior of the plant near the very bottom. None have dropped on their own, but they can be pulled off with virtually no effort at all. It's only been a few leaves, but I want to catch any issues before they become major. You think I should skip a few feedings and just flush with plain pH water for a few waterings? :peace:
Pretty sure, with a plant trained that way, you're gonna want as many lights as possible over the canopy, as close as possible,so far i have not found anything better for flowering except 2200/2700k +uvb. If i use 6500k in flower, its because i have height problems. Also, i wouldnt skip any feeding scedules unless you are getting nute burn. Check the run-off ppm, and take note of how she eats. If you have salt build up,then you will need to flush. If you really have nitrogen toxicity then the plant will not make those soft flower feeling yellow leaves down there along with stretching like hell with those bulbs
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