Is it o.k. to overwater flowering plants a few times for the following reason:


Well-Known Member
Is it o.k. to overwater flowering plants to get more nutrients in? I am still an amature at feeding, so I am trying to add nutrients through several individual waterings. The reason I am currently overwatering is because my plant is taking a lot of energy out of the fan leaves, which are turning yellow, and I don't want the buds have yellow on them. My current feeding doesn't seem to be enough, as my plant is not greening up, so that is another reason for adding more doses, therefore continually overwatering. I do this once every day and the soil is always moist, but not swamp like:confused: This was only done for the past 4-5 days max. Thanks RIUkiss-ass


Well-Known Member
someone correct me if im wrong, but isnt the nutrients ur putting in your plants everday starting to cause nute burn which is why the leaves are yellow??


Well-Known Member
No, this is nitro deficiency. The leaves are drained, some yellow, some white, not burned and brittle at the edges.


New Member
Sounds to be more the case. I think ur dealing with nute burn and now probably seeing symptoms of overwatering. U need to And let the pots dry out on the top a good 2 inches down or so. Or when the pot feels light.once ur soil dries Remove the top half inch or so of soil (avoid exposing or disturbing roots) and replace it with fresh soil. Flush them with 3x the water than their pot size (ie 1gal pot needs 3gal of pure water to flush all the built up salts). Then adopt the wet dry watering technique. And remember this "water them well when they NEED it and not a drop when they don't" ur plant WILL tell u what it wants. Post a pic for a more accurate diagnosis. And if you are indeed seeing a N def. Do what I posted above then start again with the nutes. If they are hungry for more give them more nute. Not more water but more nute per gallon. This should resolve any issues with ur hungry ladies. But again I'm guessing its likely nute burn. Do u know ur ph of soil?water? Runoff? What line of nutes u using?


Well-Known Member
I know none of this, just that the plant is not burned. I've already burned plants last season and I know how that looks. This is some sort of deficiency. So you guys are saying stop watering, let it dry out and come on heavy again? Otherwise, the buds look fantabulous, it's just that the base of the plant and several large fan leaves are completely yellow and white and sometimes drop off.


New Member
Also in my ranting I overlooked an important one.. How far into flower are u? U WANT ur plant to become N deficient in its last stages for best flavor. If u want leafy green bud an a hardcore headache keep it on flower lighting and give it veg nutes. Lol. Really though depending on where ur at it could just be running its normal course. But I can say u likely damaged ur yield a bit with the excessive stress over nute and overwater. And as for getting more nutes to the plant if they truly are hungry and need it like I said before add more solution to ur water. But if they don't need it ur doing more harm than good. Not enough is always better than too much imo (in terms of nutes)


Well-Known Member
Also in my ranting I overlooked an important one.. How far into flower are u? U WANT ur plant to become N deficient in its last stages for best flavor. If u want leafy green bud an a hardcore headache keep it on flower lighting and give it veg nutes. Lol. Really though depending on where ur at it could just be running its normal course. But I can say u likely damaged ur yield a bit with the excessive stress over nute and overwater. And as for getting more nutes to the plant if they truly are hungry and need it like I said before add more solution to ur water. But if they don't need it ur doing more harm than good. Not enough is always better than too much imo (in terms of nutes)
I agree with him Shredder. If you are in the last 3 or 4 weeks then let the plant start eating excess N from itself. You can keep up the P and K for a few more weeks.
On a seperate note. What is the Ph of your run off water? Just wondering if you may have a Ph issue in your soil locking out some nutes. But not sure, got any pics? How many days in flower?


Well-Known Member
Plants yellow in flowering, thats what they do no matter what nutrients they are getting. Of course a def could cause this but it's probably normal yellowing during flowering and your just Fing up your plants by making the soil toxic and giving them nute burn/or lock. Also excessive water like that is close to flushing, which takes away nutrients not ads them. To answer the main question though, no its not OK to rot your roots so you can add in nutrients your plant won't use.


Well-Known Member
O.k. so I will stop. P.h. unknown... only rainwater and such. Do you think I damaged my yeild by watering a lot now, really? Its on day 36.


Well-Known Member
By day have passed the dangerous time imo. It's all going to die now it is starting to do so.

As to fear of overwatering...just don't water for 5 days or so. There is very little you can do to screw it all up at this point imo...except overcompensating. Go very light in all things now and worry very little.


Well-Known Member
By day have passed the dangerous time imo. It's all going to die now it is starting to do so.

As to fear of overwatering...just don't water for 5 days or so. There is very little you can do to screw it all up at this point imo...except overcompensating. Go very light in all things now and worry very little.

Lol, wtf, now you have me more worried! It's all going to die? What do you mean by i've passed the dangerous time? I know imo is in my opinion:mrgreen:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Comon now, im all biting my nails and shit now because Im worried, did I damage my harvest?
You should be ok Shred. Just let them dry till they wilt a bit then water tme. Next time you water just do it a day sooner than when they wilted. Its a basic place to start a good water practice.


Well-Known Member
I actually had a really good watering schedule going on, but just went into max because of the deficiency. I always waited until the top 2cm were completely dry. I hope it wont affect yeild. The main bud is about .75 to 1 inch thick.


Remember that when flowering the plant will begin using the nutes from the leaves, thus yellowing. It is a natural progression. Fan leaves will turn yellow and so will the leaves on the bottom of the plant. And yes it is all going to die. Nothing to be afraid of what they mean by past the dangerouse part is that you are almost to the end. It is very hard to screw up at this stage. Just don't rot your roots anymore. You don't want mold and mildew. That is what will screw up your crop!


New Member
Pretty much. Just let them dry out and go back to ur old watering routine for a few weeks start flushing hartvest cure and enjoy. Now post some damn pics so we can tell u ya done well. Lol


Well-Known Member
Lol, wtf, now you have me more worried! It's all going to die? What do you mean by i've passed the dangerous time? I know imo is in my opinion:mrgreen:bongsmilie
Newsflash: Your plant will die. ;P

In 3 weeks when you cut her down...she will not survive being cut. lolz.

The buds you smoke? Will be dead plant material.

The plant starts eating itself 1/2 way through flower...and rapidly eats itself during the last 2 weeks when you are stopping nutes and are pumping water only through. (flush)

With only a week to a week and a 1/2 till flush...I'd not be overly concerned is all I am saying.


Well-Known Member
The plant kills itself, but only to take that energy and put it into buds. If you cause a bad case of root rot though the plant would basically shut down and you'd be stuck with whatever you have now. That being said I really doubt that's the case and if it were my crop I'd just not worry about it. Just let it dry out for a few days and don't forget to do some flushing before harvest to clear all these nutes you used.
Hey i really need some help to figure out what is wrong with my plant. This is my first time grow, and i dont have alot of money. Could this be a watering problem ? to much light? not enough. too close to the plant.
Any feedback would be great.:joint: