Is life worth living without weed??


New Member

if u smoke for depression u would know what i mean....

try getting some bipolar bitch off her precious prozac (dated bipolar skank)

have u ever yelled at yer crop at the top of your lungs HURRY THE FUCK UP NOW


Well-Known Member
damn nigga calm down.

i usually say a small prayer and give thanks to the plants right before i chop them down.


Well-Known Member
Why are all the cool kids so worried about what Christians are doing? Let and let live - don't be hypocrites. That is all.


New Member
hey they told me to say a prayer, thats my version of a prayer

i cant help it if they cant just keep the alter boys dick in theyre mouth and leave it alone but no they gotta get offended and talk shit, typical christians

this is america and ill pray however the fuck i want :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Who is 'they'? And if someone is offended by an intentional attack - sounds like a forum violation. I'm not taking it personally (I'm agnostic), but I would imagine other people would. Shouldn't political and religious topics be in a different place on the forums? Why bring it here unless you need attention?

To clarify: no one told you to pray - someone said they prayed. I just don't understand why this overblown, anti-religious tolerance thing is all over the forums here. Aren't there forums rules to prevent this sort of thing?


Well-Known Member
imo i would never want to depend on anything or feel like i must have it. i felt that way about one of my meds, desided to get off of it. quite cold turkey and had bad withdrolls. i also quite meth and weed cold turkey at the same time. guess thats just how i am tho. id rather know i can quit on my terms if i want to. havent picked back up any of my habits in the last 3 years but am currently "growing for fun" while working on my medical card


New Member
well im not stoopid enough to try meth so there u go

and there was no intentional attack, its not my problem people get offended by my views on religion. Its not a direct attack on anyone but god and jesus and i doubt yer jesus come again.


Active Member

if u smoke for depression u would know what i mean....

try getting some bipolar bitch off her precious prozac (dated bipolar skank)

have u ever yelled at yer crop at the top of your lungs HURRY THE FUCK UP NOW

Tell the dumb Cunt to beat it if she wont lay off the shit.


Well-Known Member
well im not stoopid enough to try meth so there u go

and there was no intentional attack, its not my problem people get offended by my views on religion. Its not a direct attack on anyone but god and jesus and i doubt yer jesus come again.
I had a chuckle at your spelling of the word stupid. But that aside, you can see the reaction you are getting from your words. Claim ignorance, but your avatar says, "give me attention" by putting down others.

Learn to relax and be acceptant of others and yourself - not hypocritically hate, and perhaps you won't find it as hard to make it through daily life without pot? Does that answer your original question and put the topic back on track?


New Member
I had a chuckle at your spelling of the word stupid. But that aside, you can see the reaction you are getting from your words. Claim ignorance, but your avatar says, "give me attention" by putting down others.

Learn to relax and be acceptant of others and yourself - not hypocritically hate, and perhaps you won't find it as hard to make it through daily life without pot? Does that answer your original question and put the topic back on track?
no but i like your approach, comming off as the calm, composed 3rd party. as for trying to bash my use of the obviously purposeful misspelling of "stoopid", nice try, chuckle till yer ass bleeds homie (hey, also misspelled!)

and, i dunno how im claiming ignorance, its a fact that my views are only direct attacks on god and jesus themselves. If u get offended by said views, again, not my fault.