Is my Bubba Kush too tall?

See attached pic. I am wondering if my Bubba Kush is too tall, if it is stretching? I am using a 250w MH, and I have always kept it around 5 to 7 inches from the top of the plant, adjusting accordingly every few days. It vegged for 3 weeks, then I put it into flowering, and it's been flowering for 3.5 weeks. So in total, it's been alive for 6.5 weeks.

My plant is 4 feet high. Is that too tall? It was 2 feet when I put it into flowering, so it grew 2 feet in the 3 veg weeks, then another 2 feet in the 3.5 flowering weeks. So if I need to flower this for another 5 weeks, i'm afraid it's going to grow to be 7 feet tall!

Is this normal? It's my first grow. YIKES! Should I be concerned? My room is max like 7 feet tall! Should I be doing anything - like put the light on the side of the plant?

Thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
Yes, it does look rather stretched to me. If you have the space, let her be because in flowering, doing too much differently can stress your girl out. If you can, leave the girl and add CFL's all up and down her sides.

But if you want an easy way to solve this problem, gently bend the stem a little bit at a time and tie her down. LST is a great way to save space on indoor grows. Here, check out this thread about it:

It's totally worth it, I've done it to almost all my plants. Check out my current 2nd grow, my Big Blue is LST'd like how that thread shows to do it. Here are some pics of my Big Blue LST:


Wow! I am never going to grow it normal (vertically) again! That is an amazing post! Thanks a million! That is going to increase my yields ten fold!

I'm just worried about this one growing into the freakin roof. If it's getting too tall in the next couple weeks then I'll have to slowly tie it down to something!!!!

I also know nothing about CFL's - any ideas what type I should use? Just like those big long flourescent lightbulbs?
Also mine looks kind of homely, no? I have it in a room with not much ventilation - no air in our out - it's a 7' x 11' room..... maybe that's why it isn't very bushy........ any comments?


Well-Known Member
Ok, yes, there's problems with providing little ventilation, it can stunt your plants growth (from being bushy) and instead make it grow more tall like it has so the little air it does receive can easily pass through the often do you open the door to this room you keep the plant in? If it's less than at least once per day, you have a problem. Opening the door 5 times a day or more can help with this as well as getting at least 1 fan in the room to move the air around and help your plant get bushier and stronger in order to hold up bigger buds...although this late in the game, I don't think it'll get too much bushier.

CFL's are a great indoor tool. There are many things you need to know about them in order to use them though. Here's some good threads about it:

Also, there's a whole forum about CFL growing here on RIU, check it out:

HEY ANOTHR PROBLEM I JUST NOTICED: You're not using the right light for flowering man...MH are best for the vegetative stage, not flowering. They can be used but they won't produce as good of a harvest. Do you have a flowering stage light? I recommend doing a lot more research about growing, it can help you out immensely.

Good luck
So my one plant setup is in a basement room with those hang ceiling tiles. The room is something like 11 feet by 7 feet. In that room I actually have an oscillating fan running 24/7, I have a mini heater which is on the light timer to increase the room temp a little bit when the lights are on, and also an air purifier. So I do have a fan going all the time. The one problem is that I keep the door closed for the most part. The reason why is to keep the hot air in the room, because my house has A/C and since the room is in the basement it gets pretty cold in the summer time.

Thanks for the CFL link. Your info in this post has immensely helped me. I so appreciate the info. It's hard, because I have no friends to talk to outside of RIU about this.

And for flowering, all the research, a few of my online sources said it was okay to use MH for the whole process. It said that MH was = HPS. I do now understand that even though HPS may not be best for the veg state more time is spent in flowering anyways, so I should have got HPS, or else at least a 400W MH. I'll eventually have more then one plant, but this is my first grow - i'm learning alot as I didn't have a green thumb before this project. I'm learning to respect and love mother nature. LOL, even my yard has done a 180. Anyways, from what I have heard, red spectrum (HPS) > blue spectrum (MH) for flowering.

Anyways, I explained my setup. I do have a fan oscilatting 24x7 but the door is closed most the time. Would it help if I left it open during the 12 hours of darkness? The only thing is I wouldn't want light to peek in when I wake up to shower in the morning. I would have to be stealthy in the dark when coming downstairs in the morning. Do you think that is why my plant is so tall? Maybe I'll remove some of those foam ceiling tiles so I get better air flow through the room in the roof?


Well-Known Member
So my one plant setup is in a basement room with those hang ceiling tiles. The room is something like 11 feet by 7 feet. In that room I actually have an oscillating fan running 24/7, I have a mini heater which is on the light timer to increase the room temp a little bit when the lights are on, and also an air purifier. So I do have a fan going all the time. The one problem is that I keep the door closed for the most part. The reason why is to keep the hot air in the room, because my house has A/C and since the room is in the basement it gets pretty cold in the summer time.

Thanks for the CFL link. Your info in this post has immensely helped me. I so appreciate the info. It's hard, because I have no friends to talk to outside of RIU about this.

And for flowering, all the research, a few of my online sources said it was okay to use MH for the whole process. It said that MH was = HPS. I do now understand that even though HPS may not be best for the veg state more time is spent in flowering anyways, so I should have got HPS, or else at least a 400W MH. I'll eventually have more then one plant, but this is my first grow - i'm learning alot as I didn't have a green thumb before this project. I'm learning to respect and love mother nature. LOL, even my yard has done a 180. Anyways, from what I have heard, red spectrum (HPS) > blue spectrum (MH) for flowering.

Anyways, I explained my setup. I do have a fan oscilatting 24x7 but the door is closed most the time. Would it help if I left it open during the 12 hours of darkness? The only thing is I wouldn't want light to peek in when I wake up to shower in the morning. I would have to be stealthy in the dark when coming downstairs in the morning. Do you think that is why my plant is so tall? Maybe I'll remove some of those foam ceiling tiles so I get better air flow through the room in the roof?
For sure dude, I know how it is: a long ass learning process. But it definitely pays off when correctly using validated information and this site is full of that but you have to sort through some crap to get the gold

I'm no expert on HID lighting but I think it will be passable to use the MH for the whole process but adding the right spectrum CFL's will help a lot too (2700k)
Good thing you have a fan in there but I think that leaving the door open for nighttime is a good idea in addition to the fan as the cold air is good for the plant, it's naturally what the plant is used to during dark hours. It will also help in the flowering process for the temperatures to be lower during dark time. You could always shut the door when you have to leave, even that bit of air circulation and colder temps at night will help your plant a lot

I'd start with leaving the door open and if you still have issues, I'd recommend removing 1 ceiling tile at a time and see how that works for you


Active Member
See attached pic. I am wondering if my Bubba Kush is too tall, if it is stretching? I am using a 250w MH, and I have always kept it around 5 to 7 inches from the top of the plant, adjusting accordingly every few days. It vegged for 3 weeks, then I put it into flowering, and it's been flowering for 3.5 weeks. So in total, it's been alive for 6.5 weeks.

My plant is 4 feet high. Is that too tall? It was 2 feet when I put it into flowering, so it grew 2 feet in the 3 veg weeks, then another 2 feet in the 3.5 flowering weeks. So if I need to flower this for another 5 weeks, i'm afraid it's going to grow to be 7 feet tall!

Is this normal? It's my first grow. YIKES! Should I be concerned? My room is max like 7 feet tall! Should I be doing anything - like put the light on the side of the plant?

Thanks in advance!

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I have grown SEVERAL bubba's. They tend to stretch as all Kush strains go. Your stretched a little more than usual (maybe light issues) Mine had so many chutes from bottom that had stretched high up, I use a 1,000watt hps