Is my grow room ok


New Member
Ok I started growing about 2-3 weeks ago in a 50 inch tv box as it had the perfect setup for it Its about 3 ft tall 8 in wide from front to back and 4-5 ft long from side to side lined with 3 strips of foil

I have two connectable 14 w flourecent tubes going up the wall on each side of the plant on 24/7 about 5 in away*
and a 60 w GE plant light that helps me regulate the temp if it gets to cold about 3 ft away*

Also two 5 in fans blowing all day and night That provide the perfect breeze*

I'm growing them in all purpose soil it has sphagnum *peat *moss , horticultural vermiculite , perlite and organic wetting agent *

How much water on fl oz should I give*

I use Nestlé gallon water I think it has a few minerals for taste like calcium chloride, sodium bicarbonate , and magnesium sulfate*

My p/h is fine about 6.8- 7.0
Temp stays at 70 80f*

No bugs although I killed a nat or w/e it's called about 2 days ago*
And *checked for any signs of it affecting my plant but none found*

Any suggestions or tips would help me out a lot also plz be specific lol


Active Member
More light would be ideal and probably ditch the foil because it can create hot spots and go with some Mylar or paint the walls white.


New Member
1. What's Mylar??
2. Will paint affect my plants
3. What kind of lights and wattage
4. .... I think that's all the questions lol


Active Member
1. It's a reflective material like foil but not metal that heats up
2. As long as its dry, no
3. I would use a mh/hps setup, but cfls can work too. Youre gonna want at least 100w per plant but the more wattage the better.


Active Member
Sorry about seedlings, just plant some more haha.

You can get it off amazon or eBay. Also at local hydro store usually, Walmart will have emergency Mylar blankets those can work too. If your looking for doin it cheap just paint it white.