Is Scrog the best way to grow?


Well-Known Member
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image.jpg image.jpg I've always just grown the way I know with good old fashion cains and stake them out but I think it's time to evolve and move with the times and start to scrog??? also how much more weight can u gain per meter in area?? And how big can you build a scrog screen please see photo


Well-Known Member
As u can see the room is long but not wide so could I build a scrog screen 3 plants wide by 20 plants long? and is the extra effort and work goin to be worth it when ur growing high numbers of plants?? Need help ASAP as starting my next one an I need help

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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
SOG, SCROG, etc, etc is an opinion on whats best.....It's up to you to decide.
I suggest you set one up at one end and learn how to do it before you jump in with both feet....


Well-Known Member
I had thought of doing that at another grow I've got which is only 12 15 litres, wats ur thoughts on SOG? If u do 200 little plants in 5 litre pots and fliped them after 1 week veg, would u achieve atleast 1oz per plant??