Is there a Doctor in the house? Pics,


Active Member
I’m using two mediums to figure this out
Cocoa /perlite and floating roots water table.
Multiple 600w HPS. 6.1ish ph
Both have the same results. I’ve Changed the water source several times, Ro filter, Even took some wild river water once and got the same thing. All internet pics and advice seem to point to Mg deficiency. The leafs curl upward and prey like they say, then die. I experimented prior to this run with overdosing and using Epson salts and or cal mag and the little plants seemed to respond correctly. I saw spots come and go with the addition of cal mag. So I went into this run confident I’d solved it. However I’m getting it AGAIN! HELP! I’m about to calculate my exact levels of N P K and MG after I write this.
I’m using floro grow 3 part according to label directions in the water table. Roots floating in water over mass air stones. I’ve added the suggested high amount of cal mag. I’m starting to dump in Epson salt. The Epson and cal mag bumps the ppm up a bit so instead of running the water table at 700 ppm I let it go to 800 ppm which is usually over dose for this system. Same with the cocoa but the ppm is 1300 with Advanced sensi 2 part for that system. Last run I saw this happen I flushed, then dropped the nutes to like half as I watched The spots progress to kill the whole leaf, then watch the whole crop die mid run. That hurt bad. I’ve run these systems before with little or no problems til about a year ago. I can only guess that :
·the nute makers(plural) dropped or changed something in the levels?
·There is something wrong in 3 sources of water even RO filtered?
·My room is burnt out?
·All the 5 different strains tried burnt out?
Those are not likely the problem. I’m hoping I just need to dump in more MG. I’ll know a bit more after I calculate. Maybe lights too close? This is a big WTF?
Thanks for your advise in advance.

Also see: from the last disaster.



Well-Known Member
that looks like a magnesium or calcium deficiency bro. you did rite by adding the epsom salt and the calmag, but u may have added too much tho. just wait a bit to findout. only time will tell


Active Member
Cool, I would love to get another result other than this. Don't think I put too much. I haven't exceeded the suggested amounts, YET. I might tho out of frustration.